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Super Duper Publications MagneTalk Match-up Adventures Kit Review, Discount Code, & Gift Card Giveaway (US & Canada) 9/25 | Emily Reviews

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Fall means back to school and helping our children learn, discover, and thrive while helping them with lessons and homework. It’s no secret that all children learn differently.  Super Duper Publications recognizes that and makes a variety of learning and therapy products to aid the learning process.

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I was sent a sample of the Magne Talk Match-Up Adventures Kit to review.  After reading the description on this item, I couldn’t wait to implement it in our homeschooling.  The MagneTalk Match-Up Adventures Kit is a magnetic set that encompasses listening skills and language skills during play and is geared for ages Pre-K through 5th Grade.  The set comes with five matching scene sets (total of 10), five matching magnet sets (total of 10 sets equaling 100 magnets altogether), double sided magnetic dry erase game board, reproducible activity book with CD-Rom, and a dry erase marker.

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Set up was a breeze.  The Game Board Easel is fully assembled and comes with a carrying/storage bag for when not in use.  The magnets came in three sheets and were easy to remove.  When I lifted the sheets from one another, the magnets started coming out themselves even.  The magnets are sturdy and fairly thick.  I like that they are heavy duty and solid because this should prevent them from bending or breaking too easily.  Each magnet is branded with the corresponding number for which set it goes with.  The carrying case also comes with separate pockets for each set of magnets but I find it nice to have them in ziplock baggies and then drop the baggies into the pockets.

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I really like that Super Duper Publications includes the Language-Based Magnetic Barrier Games and Activities Book with this kit.  I found many fun and helpful games, stories, ideas, and activities to aid me in effectively using the MagneTalk Match-Up Adventure Kit.  The pages are also reproducible and have perforated edges for easy copying access.

Once we had everything out, organized, and set up, we were ready to start.  I paged through the Activity Guide and chose the Ocean Background.  We easily slid the backgrounds into the easel and we were set.  I started with a following directions activity which included me reading the instructions to the kids and having them place the magnets in the correct location.  The kids loved it and paid close attention.  Then we moved on to some listening activities.  I read small stories and the kids had to answer a couple questions at the end.  We then reread the stories and used the magnets along with them.  We continued with our ocean theme and practiced rhyming words.  I would say two words and they have to find the magnet that the words rhymed with.  Finally, we moved on to a free play exercise where I had the kids take turns giving each other instructions.  Throughout all of the activities, I heard lots of giggles and enthusiasm.  It’s so nice to be able to use resources that make learning fun and Super Duper Publications MagneTalk Match-Up Adventures Kit was a winner in our home.

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Keep an eye out in the next couple weeks as I bring you a review on two more products from Super Duper Publications.

Buy It: Head over to Super Duper Publications to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer. Be sure to use the code DPDAMMCN to receive 30% off your order, good through September 30th, 2013.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Super Duper Publications on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Pinterest, and subscribe to their YouTube Channel for all the latest news and promotions.

Win It: Super Duper Publications is generously offering one of our lucky readers a $50 Gift Card to use on their site. The giveaway is open to US and Canada. The giveaway will end September 25th, 2013.  For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!


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