Articles about Fashion
Embrace Your Active Lifestyle with G Gradual: Where Style Meets Functionality

I sincerely thank G Gradual for their generous product contributions, which have made this blog review possible. I want to assure you that all the opinions expressed here are entirely my own. This post may contain affiliate links, which means I could receive a small commission, at no extra cost, if you purchase through a link.
G Gradual is all about bringing fun, stylish athletic and leisure apparel that fits perfectly into your active lifestyle. They focus on high-quality clothing for folks who Read more [...]
Bruno Marc Shoes Review – Practical Last Minute Gift For Men + Giveaway

Bruno Marc sent me shoes for review as part of my holiday gift guide. There are affiliate links in this post. All opinions are my own.
For the first several years that I was dating my now-husband, I worried a lot about getting 'good' gifts for him. When I was young, I thought gifts were only 'good' if they were fun or exciting. Ryan very rarely wanted anything that I'd think of as fun or exciting, so I felt like I couldn't get him good gifts. Eventually I realized that what makes a 'good' gift Read more [...]
Rumpy – Bamboo Underclothing Review

Rumpy sent me clothing for review. All opinions are my own.
For some people, the best gift is upgrading their daily-use items to a nicer version. If you have someone close to you (close enough for you to buy them underwear!) who just wears really basic underclothing, Rumpy can provide you with a nice upgrade for them.
Rumpy primarily makes bamboo underclothing. If you've never owned a piece of bamboo clothing, you're missing out! I first discovered bamboo clothing over a decade ago thanks to Read more [...]
Explore the Versatile Range of Duluth Trading Company: Gear Up for Adventure & Everyday Life

I sincerely thank Duluth Trading Company for their generous product contributions, which have made this blog review possible. I want to assure you that all the opinions expressed here are entirely my own. This post may contain affiliate links, which means I could receive a small commission, at no extra cost, if you purchase through a link.
I've been keeping a close watch on Duluth Trading Company for a while now, and let me tell you, their hilarious commercials had me hooked right from the start! Read more [...]
Affordable Footwear For The Whole Family = Must Have Gifts (+ Giveaway!)

This 'Affordable Footwear For The Whole Family = Must Have Gifts' is sponsored. As always, all opinions are my own. This post contains Amazon affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It does not cost you anything to shop through my affiliate links and my big family thanks you.
Several of my kids really needed some new footwear and as a family of 10, affordable is the name of the game today. So if you're on the hunt for some fashionable, affordable Read more [...]