Comfort Revolution

I was recently sent a Comfort Revolution Cool Cerulean Bubbles Hydraluxe Bed Pillow for review. When it first arrived, it had a strong scent. The papers included in the package said to leave it outside to air out for several hours. It was raining the day it arrived so I didn’t put it outside but instead just let it sit the first night and the scent was almost completely gone within 24 hours so I used it the second night and the scent wasn’t strong enough to bother  me at all.

Seem to go through a lot of pillows because I am rather picky. On the rare chance that I do find pillows that I like, they go flat in just a few months and then I’m back to square one. I like my pillows to be soft, but not so soft that my head sinks down and hits the mattress through the pillow. The best material that I’ve found for being soft but not too soft is memory foam. This pillow isn’t just memory foam though. It’s combined with layers of gel as well. The stock photos of the pillow almost make the top gel layer appear to be a hard plastic but it’s not like that at all. In fact, if I feel the top of the pillow it feels just as soft as any other pillow material, however the bubble texture is there if you swipe your hand across the surface. In my opinion, it does a nice job of being soft without letting my head sink too low. Ryan disagrees with me on this, and feels that it “smushes” too much and that it leaves his head too low. I’m happy with that though because it makes I get to use it! As you can see, the memory foam works really well as you can see my hand print that remained after lifting it away.

Comfort revolution memory foam

The gel stays cool so even if your body/face is warm the pillow will remain slightly cool. I am not someone who regularly feels too warm (in fact – I tend to be chilled most of the time). Despite this, I find myself flipping my pillow to find the cool side while trying to fall asleep or in the middle of the night. A warm pillow just isn’t desirable. Since beginning to use this pillow I haven’t had the desire to flip the pillow over at all because it’s always at a comfortable temperature. I am excited to see how this part holds up during the hot summer days. I’m also curious to see how it holds up long term. I’ve only been using it for 2-3 weeks but I really like it so far.

Connect: You can connect with Comfort Revolution on Twitter and Facebook.

Buy it: You can purchase from the comfort revolution website or Amazon.

Win it: A Comfort Revolution Memory Foam & Hydraluxe Cooling Bed Pillow.

To enter: Fill out the giveaway tools form below before 11:59pm EST on 12/4. Giveaway is open to the US.

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