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balloonatiks review and giveaway | Emily Reviews


Everybody loves the idea of super heroes and the idea that everyday people can do extraordinary things for other people, out of the goodness of their heart. Most people love the idea of passing this ‘you can do anything’ idea on to their children. However, many superheroes that are popular also deal with nasty people and scary scenes that you might not find appropriate for your preschooler.

The solution? Balloonatiks! Balloonatiks is a cartoon of five teenagers who are able to turn into balloon figures, and of course each kid has their own abilities.

Besides just the dvd episodes, balloonatiks also has books and comics. The dvd only runs 23 minutes, so it’s great for younger kids with smaller attention spans, plus is better than having your kid sitting on the couch for hours.

My nephews (3 and 6) both really liked this, I think that most boys ages 3-8 or so would. They thought it was funny and it definitely entertained them throughout the entire dvd even though it’s pretty short.

Buy it :You can purchase balloonatiks dvd on amazon.

Win it: One lucky person is going to win the same dvd I received!

To enter: Tell me who you’d like to win this for. Be sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you if you win!

Disclaimer – I was sent a free dvd for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was offered or accepted. All opinions are my own.

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