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Just Giveaway Tools Linky 10/20/2012 | Emily Reviews

Welcome to the Just Giveaway Tools Linky! This is a weekly giveaway link up for giveaways run using the giveaway tools widget. If you love entering GT giveaways, you can come here as a convenient spot to find GT giveaways to enter. The giveaway tools widget looks like this:

Make sure that if you add a giveaway to this linky, it’s a giveaway tools widget. If you’re a blogger who uses GT on your giveaways you can use this list to promote your giveaways and get more entries! Come back each Saturday for a brand new linky.


While entering your giveaway, please make sure to link to the specific blog post page instead of your homepage. Please also include the date that the giveaway ends and which country or countries the giveaway is open to.

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