By Candi

May 6th, 2013

cityofthegodscoverI was sent an e-copy of the City Of The Gods: The Descendant book to review recently and I really liked this book. City of the Gods: The Descendant is a paranormal romance that has the feel of the TV show Supernatural or at least it does to me anyway. It starts with our heroine Katalina, Kat to her friends, having a really bad day and going to dance the night away with her two best friends, Vivian and Sabine, to take her mind off of things. Kat ends up heading to the hospital after an altercation at the club with two men intent on doing her harm. She had blacked out and didn’t remember a thing. The owner of the club, Tristan, comes to check on her and while there offers her a job singing at his club but Kat thinks he is just making sure she isn’t an insurance liability. Kat accepts the job anyway since she lost hers earlier that day and soon is swept into a nightmare of assassins, protectors, angels, immortals, and magic.

Tristan, Sabine, and Vivian are immortals from an ancient civilizations who are waiting for the Redeemer, Kat, to help save the human race. Tristan is Kat’s protector but the bond they share is love. Tristan hides the truth from her to protector but like any person she only wants the truth and Tristan’s deception hurts her deeply.  Vivian is a healer who uses the gifts the Gods gave her to help Kat while Sabine is a messenger from the Gods. A contract on Kat’s life is issued by Damian, an immortal from the ancient civilization who practices dark magic. Damian is a very dark and dangerous man but not the most dangerous that Kat will encounter.

I read this 224 page book in  less than 3 hours. I couldn’t put it down. I’m a paranormal romance fan but sometimes the books I like can be a little on the cheesy side. That’s not the case with City of the Gods. If you are a fan of paranormal romance you will enjoy this book. Pick up your copy in Paperback from Amazon for $11.99 or in Kindle edition for $6.99

Connect with the author, SJ McMillian, on Facebook or on Twitter.



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