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Poopsies-Baby Onesies Review and #Giveaway (9/3) | Emily Reviews


You are probably wondering what Poopsies is.  Well, I believe this a great product with a great purpose.  If you have ever had a baby you know that their diapers can leak at any time.  You also know what a mess that can cause and that the clothing is almost impossible to get clean after the accident.

Here are some facts that I read about Poopsies:

  • Poopsies are unique onesies that have a unique waterproof lining that keeps diaper blowouts from getting out and ruining clothing.
  • Poopsies are a satiny smooth cotton/rayon blend that stretches with baby and machine washes beautifully.
  • The unique lining of a Poopsie onesie is often used on other products such as diapers, changing mattress covers and bibs.
  • Poopsies are breathable and do not aide in causing diaper rash, are hypoallergenic, lint free and made in the USA.

After reading these facts, I was super excited when I was asked to review a onesie from Poopsies.  My little guy won’t be here until November, but I was excited when I received my Dakota Long Sleeve Poopsies onesie in the mail.  It was so much softer then I ever expected and I love the colors.  I have washed the onesie just to see how it would hold up.  I have to say I  was amazed that the lining in the onesie was just as smooth as it was before I washed it.  I was afraid that it might bunch up or become wrinkled, but none of that happened.  I also did not notice the onesie shrinking any.  The fabric is just as bright and soft as it was before I washed it.

I can’t wait to see my little guy in this great little onesie paired with a soft little pair of pants.  I also can’t wait to see how well my onesie from Poopsies works.  I know I would have loved this product when Little C was a baby.  I think it would have been a complete lifesaver!  To keep up with Poopsies make sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

Win It: One US resident will win their choice of 2 Poopsies up to a $70 value.  This is a great prize and you definitely don’t want to miss out!


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