This is a Fashionista Event and a promotional item was provided to me by Hosts for this event are Still Blonde after all these Years and ModlyChic.

dying easter eggs
Easter seems like it is so late this year. It’s kind of nice, though because it gives us more time to prepare. Recently, Ryan & I were talking about what we would do for Easter this year and then got talking about how Easter traditions from our childhoods. My family is pretty big, my grandparents had six children and as a child all of my aunts and uncles and their children would go to my grandparents’ house for Easter. I was the youngest of all of the cousins, and there are roughly 15 of us all together. My aunts and uncles would all stuff plastic easter eggs and bring dyed eggs to hide across my grandparents yard for us to find. They would all go overboard by filling tons of eggs so each of the kids would get a grocery bag full of eggs. After all of the eggs were found, we would come inside and sprawl them out on the floor. Then someone would call out questions like “Who has a polka-dotted egg?” and whoever had that type of egg would get to come up and pick a prize. The prizes would be cheap little toys like coloring books, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk or bubbles but it was exciting for us kids. My little sister was born when I was 12, so right when I was getting to the age of not participating myself, I got to watch her enjoy the fun.


Clearly, my family made a big deal of Easter for the kids so I was surprised to learn that Ryan never got to do easter egg hunts as a kid. His extended family didn’t get together often, and his brothers are 7 and 9 years older than him so by the time he was old enough to search for eggs, they were almost too old. He said he knew that his friends at school did, and he said he always wished that he would have been able to. Both of our families did easter baskets with candy and small toys, but my family required us to place our shoes on the coffee table the night before. The Easter bunny would then leave our basket next to our shoes so we knew which basket was which. Ryan thought this family tradition was silly because he had never done that as a child or heard of anyone who did.

We don’t have kids of our own yet, so it’ll be several years before we get involved with real life Easter egg hunts again. This year, I will still be doing an Easter hunt – but for deals instead of eggs. Even though I don’t have kids of my own, I’ll be using easter savings to get deals on our Easter clothing & gifts for our nieces and nephews. I always check for coupon codes before buying anything online. Almost all online stores have coupon codes that you can use to save money. Whether it’s free shipping, 10% off or a BOGO offer, it’s just silly not to use coupon codes to save you money (or get you more bang for your buck) when shopping online – it’s so easy.

If you want to get in on the Easter deal hunting fun, check out the Easter deals hunt and enter the giveaway below for a chance to win one of the four $100 Amazon gift card prizes being given away! Giveaway is US only and will end on 4/21. easter deals hunt

a Rafflecopter giveaway





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