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Nutrisystem Winter Meal Favorites | Emily Reviews

I am a Nutrisystem nation blogger. I am provided with Nutrisystem meal plan for regular updates. All opinions are my own.

Do you eat different foods depending on the weather? I’m not opposed to eating stew in July or watermelon in January but I do tend to crave different foods at different points in the year. Ryan realized recently that even through Nutrisystem he’s been steering more towards some of his favorite winter foods.

On Nutrisystem Ryan enjoys “wintery” foods like chili, bean soup, chicken noodle soup, chicken pot pie, and oatmeal. When it’s cold outside nothing compares to eating something hearty and warm!

Nutrisystem winter foods

Each month he is able to place a new order based on what he has been most interested in that month. The freedom to pick and choose his favorites makes staying on Nutrisytem for several months much more interesting. I like how Nutrisystem understands that nobody wants to be forced to eat the same foods over and over. The wide selection of menu options makes all the difference! Ryan is a picky eater but he is able to find plenty of variety among the menu that he enjoys, so that he can continue to switch up his meals.

He’s also able to cater his meals based on his Veggies, PowerFuels and SmartCarbs. He can choose from a variety of fruits and whole grain bread options for SmartCarbs, and a variety of primarily low-fat diary or lean meat options for PowerFuels.

Do you eat different foods based on the weather or time of year? Have you ever been on a meal plan that was too limited in variety? How did you cope?



This post currently has 2 responses.

  • Cynthia Gray

    I haven’t gotten the chance to try any of these products as of now, but they look and sound good. I have only a tight budget to live on and usually don’t try something I don’t know anything about. I like Ghost Adventures, ID with Joe Ki8da, and some movies. I am a big JK Rowling fan and got to see her latest when it came out in December, and was enchanted. This was a Christmas gift from my son and we both loved it. Emily has a very interesting blog site and will return again to view.

  • ellen beck

    Yes we eat a bit different in the winter. We eat far more soups, stews, chili etc. I agree if it is cold out there is nothing better than a warm meal. Even if you arent going out in the mess, a cup of hot oatmeal cant be beat.
    I try and not to do restrictive diets anymore… I am too old to do it and have found it just doesnt work. I have found though that to eat in moderation and try and match my calories with what I eat works best, although my Dr still says I could lose 10 pounds which I agree, but winter weight creeps on me.
    Ryan is doing great!

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