I am a Nutrisystem nation blogger. All opinions are my own.

Something that surprises people about Nutrisystem is how small the entrees are. For instance, some breakfast and meal bars are small granola bars and that is the entire entree. Or for lunch and dinner there are soups, and the can is about half the size of what you’d typically buy at a grocery store. If you put these entrees on a dinner plate, it’s true that they wouldn’t seem like much.

Nutrisystem breakfast bar

However, it’s important to keep in mind that Nutrisystem isn’t just the entrees. You also get to add in PowerFuels (protein sources such as lean meats or low-fat dairy products), SmartCarbs (primarily fruits or whole wheat bread products). There is also the requirement of 4 servings of non-starchy veggies a day, though you are free to eat more than 4 servings if you choose.

So that is part of the picture that gets missed sometimes. However, I also think a lot of people are used to only eating a couple times a day and that makes a huge difference too. On Nutrisystem, Ryan eats four times per day. He tries to get roughly 8 hours of sleep per day, so he spaces his meals about every 3 hours. The plan is slightly different than for women, the men’s plan includes more calories. Here is an example for the men’s plan:

  •  8 am – Breakfast entree + PowerFuel
  • 11 am – Snack (PowerFuel and SmartCarb)
  • 2 pm – Lunch entree, Powerfuel, SmartCarb & 2 servings of Veggies
  • 5 pm – Nutrisystem provided snack
  • 8 pm – Dinner entree + 2 servings of veggies
  • 11 pm – Nutrisystem provided snack.

When you eat this frequently through the day, having small portions is okay. You do not have to truly feel “full” at each meal time to avoid getting truly hungry again before the next meal time. Prior to Nutrisystem, Ryan would only eat three times a day, and he would eat until he was more full each time because he needed it to last longer between meals. Eating more frequently makes it much easier to keep your calories lower, and avoid feeling hungry.

This post currently has 3 responses.

  • Peggy Nunn

    Eating more often is so smart. I do it just because I don’t eat a lot at a meal and do get a little hungry before the next meal. It works for me while I am not on Nutrisystem too.

  • Susan Hartman

    Being diabetic I had to get used to eating less but more often too.

  • ellen beck

    Eating more often but less is the way to go. I think most people over indulge in the 3 meal system. You get so full youre almost sleepy. I am glad Ryan is still doing so wellon his plan, he looks so different now compared to his beginning pictures!

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