Dog nap


I consider my dogs to be part of my family. I love my pugs more than I thought was possible prior to adopting them. I adore them, and their safety and health is important to me. For my human family members, we take precautions to try to avoid getting sick during cold and flu season. We wash our hands more often, I am careful to change dish towels regularly, we eat healthy and we take multivitamins. It only makes sense to take precautions for the sake of my dogs health, too.

Did you know that a dog flu exists? Merck Animal Health and The Dogist’s If This Dog Could Talk: Tour To Prevent Dog Flu album is aimed at helping dog owners learn more about the dog flu and how to keep their pets healthy and it’s available to download now. The If this Dog Could Talk Dog Flu tour stopped in Chicago, Atlanta, Charlotte and Gilbert, AZ to help raise awareness of Canine Flu or canine influenza.

pug face

Important facts about dog flu:

H3N2 is a new dog flu strain that emerged in 2015 and it has continuously caused outbreaks within the U.S.
During the past several months, dog flu outbreaks have occurred across the nation including a suspected 9 southern states. Close to 100 percent of dogs are naive to the H3N2 strain, so they have no natural immunity to it. This results in virtually all dogs exposed to it becoming infected.

Dog Flu can strike year-round. There isn’t a specific ‘flu season’ like there is for humans.

Dogs can spread CIV through direct contact with respiratory discharge, through the air via a cough, bark or sneeze and by contact with contaminated objects, such as dog bowls and clothing. In severe cases, pneumonia can develop and critically ill dogs may even die from complications.

Almost all dogs are susceptible to dog flu. It is still an emerging disease so most dogs have not been exposed to it before, and all dogs lack immunity to it.

When dogs have CIV, they should avoid contact with other dogs – just like kids should stay home from school when sick.

If your dog shows signs of coughing or other signs of respiratory disease, such as fever and lethargy, tyou shouldn’t bring your dog around other dogs. Dogs can pass it to other dogs for up to three weeks. Prevention is the best approach. Dog flu vaccines are now available through U.S. veterinarians.

Merck Animal Health Lookbook

canine influenza

To learn more about dog flu download Merck Animal Health and The Dogist’s’- If This Dog Could Talk: Tour to Prevent Dog Flu album.
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This post currently has 9 responses.

  • Sarah L

    I’d never heard of this before. No dogs in my house any more. I’ll pass this along.

  • Lauryn R

    Wow, this is a scary thing! I have heard of it, but never really knew the exact details before. This is a very helpful post, thank you so much for sharing!

  • ellen beck

    I had heard of this not that long ago. It is odd that it is just coming to light and is a ‘new’ disease. I have always wondered where it came from.. if it was transmitted to them through what species. It is strange how some things cross over. I was at the vets today with te cat and the vet never mentioned anything and knows we have an older dog.

  • Peggy Nunn

    I did not realize it was year round. I will tell my sister about it and how to watch for it. Thank you for the information.

  • Becky Kinard

    This was very helpful information. Our dog, Sadie is part of our family and we try to make sure we do everything possible to keep her healthy.

  • Shane A

    I’ve never even heard of Dog Flu before. I’m glad I can be aware of it and look for signs now.

  • gloria patterson

    I have never heard of Dog Flu before totally shocked. So I had to text my my friend who’s husband is a vet and told her to let me know what he’s says we should do/watch etc

  • Julie Waldron

    Beautiful dog! I didn’t realize that dogs could get the flu. We don’t have a dog but we do have a cat. Thanks for the information!

  • Dorothy Boucher

    This is great information, I never even thought about a dog getting the!

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