Young me, now me is a book offered by Ulysses Press that is a unique spin in comparing the past with the present. You may be familiar with the blog which the book was made as a result of, called young me now me where photos are posted from a long time ago, and then the photos are recreated. They go back to the same place (or a similar place), wear similar clothes and pose in the same way. Often times this results in really funny photos, as a 4 year old girl wearing a certain outfit and posing a certain way, looks really funny when the grown woman version of the girl wears a similar outfit and sits the same way. The book takes photos from the blog to make a neat collection of old photos with their new version. My favorite funny photo is on pages 82-83 of the book Young Me, Now Me Book and show a young boy wearing a dinosaur shirt, standing in front of a plastic jungle gym with a lunch box. Now a grown, bearded man, he went so far as to have a t shirt custom made to match his childhood dinosaur shirt to redo the photo.

young me now me page 82young me now me page 83

What surprised me about the book were how touching some of them were. The photos include short stories that inform us about the people in the photos and information pertaining to their photos. I was really touched by the photos on pages 18 and 19. The photos at a glance are sweet as they clearly span a big age gap between a young woman approximately 18 years old, and the much older (92 year old) version of herself.  Her daughter brought her back to the bridge to redo the photo. Because her mother has dementia, she was was surprised at how well her mother was able to remember the area, and that portion of her life. It sparked many stories about how she worked as a waitress and the summers that she spent in the town. I’m sure that for her family, recreating the photo and it sparking memories was quite a gift that will be treasured for a long time. There are tons of other photos and stories included in the book and I think they’re all pretty neat.

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Win it: Want to win a copy of young me, now me? Come back march 12th during the feeling lucky giveaway hop.


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