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tweeting rules | Emily Reviews

If you tweet a giveaway to earn an entry, please note that the instructions always say “@emilyreviewscom, a shortened link to this giveaway and #giveaway”

that means you have to include “#giveaway”  in the tweet. Otherwise it doesn’t count. I noticed 2-3 people in the last couple of days have been tweeting without including the hash tag and giveaway.

Why do I ask that you include #giveaway? Using a hash tag is like ‘tagging’ a blog post. It then allows you to search for tweets containing ‘giveaway’ and have it show up. Meaning, it makes the tweet accessable by people other than just your followers.

Anyway, be sure you include #giveaway, please.

Also, I noticed someone copied “@emilyreviewscom, a SHORTENED  link and #giveaway” you aren’t suppose to tweet the rules you’re suppose to make a shortened link. So be sure to include a shortened link, also. Thanks!

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