Circle E candles "bird of paradise"

Circle E candles “bird of paradise”

I love candles. What I don’t like about candles is you can’t really tell the quality of the candle until you’ve tried it out. So many candles barely release any scent into the air. Others only burn the center of the candle, so the outsides never get used up. Others have the wick fall apart before the candle is finished. In the past I’ve tried buying more expensive candles, assuming they would be better quality, but that wasn’t the case. So I think the only way to tell is to try candles yourself or read up reviews.

I can tell you from my experience that circle e candles are the kind everyone will love. They fill the room with scent and burn slowly so the candles last a long time. They have a double wick, so the candle burns evenly. I noticed that they get the entire top layer burning evenly really early on, so you don’t have to wait around for hours for the candle to be burning all the way across before you blow it out.  Despite how quickly the top layer gets melted, the candles seem to last a really long time. I never knew Ryan to care for candles one way or the other, but he’s been lighting this one every day since we got it. We received a 28oz candle and it’s about half gone now, but we have literally lit it everyday since we got it about 2.5 weeks ago.

The wicks are of great quality. Countless times I have had wicks completely snap off to the level that the candle is at, so the only part of the wick that is left is burred in the candle. The wick of the circle e candle hasn’t broken at all. The wicks are lead-free and the candles are all hand poured in layers. This lets the candles be very smooth and creamy. Their 28 oz candle has a burning time of 155 hours!

The scent I received was circle e candles top selling scent which is called birds in paradise. The description for the scent on the website is “This sweet intoxicating smell will make you get a sweet tooth if you don’t have one already!” This reminds me of strawberry cream savers, but Ryan says it doesn’t seem like that to him at all. I asked him what it smells like and he sad ‘um. I don’t know. Very sweet, though’ So perhaps you’ll have to smell it yourself to make up your own description.

Buy it: You can purchase circle e candles online at The 48 oz candle sells for 20.95.

Win it: One lucky winner will receive the same candle I reviewed!

To enter, MANDATORY: visit and tell me one other scent you’d love to try.

Additional entries: Only count if you also do the mandatory entry. Leave each entry in it’s own comment. Leave proof of your entry whenever possible.


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6)Tweet about this giveaway including @emilyreviewscom, a SHORTENED link to this post and #giveaway. Make yours or use mine ”Enter to #win a 28 oz hand poured candle! @emilyreviewscom. #giveaway is here please RT” Max of 1 per day. 1 entry per tweet.

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9)Enter any of my other giveaways during the duration of this giveaway – 1 per giveaway entered.

This giveaway is open to the US and will end September 24th at noon EST. Winner will be chosen at random and will have 2 days to reply before a new winner will be selected.

Disclaimer – I received a free candle for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was offered or accepted. All opinions are my own.

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