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Simply Potato Review and #Giveaway #simplypotatoes | Emily Reviews

Simply Potatoes Hash BrownsIt’s hard to believe that we’re more than half way through november already! The holiday season is busy for most people, and although some winter holidays are surrounded around food, it can still be hard to find the time to cook as much as we’d like. Simply Potatoes is a brand that makes meal preparation easier, when it comes to potato products anyway. They are unique from other convenience potato brands because their products are made from fresh potatoes so instead of being freezable or being a shelf stable food, they are refrigerated. I had never tried refrigerated potato products, so I was curious to see how they would taste. I was happy to find out that although they are a refrigerated product, the expiration date on the package we bought was approximately 2 months out from the current date so you don’t have to eat them right away after purchasing. We wbere able to check out the sour cream and chive mashed potatoes as well as some has browns. The mashed potatoes were really soft and yummy, and the seasoning was enough to keep them from being as boring or bland as mashed potatoes typically are. The container made a meal for Ryan and I, but for families it would make a great side dish to any dinner. Or, you could make multiple packages together for a large family get together like thanksgiving. The hash browns were great as well, but we found that they took much longer to cook than the directions stated. I thought I followed them exactly but they took about twice as long to cook as expected. However, they were still yummy and still were much more convenient to cook than making hash browns from scratch. We were quite pleased with the taste of both products but our favorite was the hash browns, perhaps becuase I am awful at making hash browns from scratch. I think we will definitely continue to purchase simply potato hash browns in the future.

Buy it: You can purchase simply potato products at Kroger, Meijer, Kmart and more.


This giveaway is open to the US and will end December 4th @ 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be chosen via and will have 48 hours to reply to my email and claim their prize before a new winner will be selected.

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