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Infant Meningitis Awareness | Emily Reviews

I tend to avoid politics or controversial topics here on my blog. Vaccines are a controversial topic for many parents and in some cases I understand why. When I was asked to help spread the word about the dangers of infant meningitis I couldn’t say no. In my view, it’s great that parents are looking into the details and weighing the pro’s and con’s for each individual vaccine. Perhaps in some cases, the affects of the disease or illness aren’t as serious as the potential side effects or reactions to the vaccine. Other times, the disease that the vaccine protects against is extremely serious. Meningitis is a disease that, when caught by infants will end in death for one out of every 16 babies. Of those who survive, many will have seizures, require amputations, or suffer from learning disabilities as a result of the disease. Currently, vaccines are available for adults and recommended for those who are parents or who work with babies. Right now, a vaccine is being made that hopefully will be a approved soon, so that the vaccine will be available to be given directly to infants. That way, they can be protected without having to require every adult around them to be protected just to keep them safe. Below you can watch a video about infant meningitis. There is also a protect infants now petition that you can sign if you’d like to ask the cdc to recommend the meningitis vaccine for infants.


I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central andMeningitis Angels. This campaign was made possible in part through support provided by Novartis Vaccines. A small donation to a charity of my choice was made in my name from Mom Central as a thank-you for participating. All opinions in this posting are 100% my own.

This post currently has one response.

  • I’m sorry for this woman’s loss. Truly I am. But this vaccine does not make sense if you are educated about meningitis ‘outbreaks’ in the US.

    ‎”Each year, an estimated 1,400–2,800 cases of meningococcal disease occur in the United States.”
    Source: “2010

    Census showed the resident population of the United States on April 1, 2010, was 308,745,538”

    So say 2,800 people get meningococcal disease 308,742,738 people won’t.

    So lets vaccinate ALL babies with a drug with a list of side effects a mile long (including death)? That’s bad math if you ask me.

    I understand wanting to protect our children, I do. But you can not raise them in a bubble and you can sometime do more harm than good when going to far in efforts to protect them.

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