My dad and my brother are both pretty handy guys who do a lot of work on houses during the summer to make extra money. As a kid I would go with them sometimes, when they had jobs to do on the weekends. I remember being drawn towards the insulation because it was often bright pink or yellow. Whenever I got close to it, they told me not to touch it because it would make me itchy. Now as an adult, I still think “don’t touch it, it’s itchy” whenever someone mentions insulation. As a kid I grew to dislike it because I knew it would make me itchy. These days, I love insulation. I can’t stand being cold, which is rather unfortunate seems how I live in Michigan and it gets pretty cold here. As a kid, my bedroom in my moms old (late 1800’s) house was always freezing in the winter and incredibly hot in the summer. Eventually I learned that this in part could be improved if the room was better insulated. Have you ever been to someones house that is always comfortable inside, even if they don’t have air conditioning or keep the heat real high? That’s the difference between a well insulated house and a poorly insulated house. Metal Building InsulationĀ is just as important as regular home insulation. I’m always cold but hate spending tons of money on heating costs all winter long. I for one will be looking for a well insulated house when we get ready to buy.


I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks 2 BlogĀ for Metal Building
Insulation and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my

This post currently has 4 responses.

  • librarypat

    I grew up in an 1860’s house with little insulation and the 1890’s house we now own had none when we got it. It does make a world of difference. We completely insulated our house when we renovated it. The apartment we built onto our garage is very well insulated it is comfortable year round.
    Good doors and windows help, but insulation makes all the difference.

    • Most definitely. Great shade trees can do a world of good in maintaining a cool environment in the summer, too. At the apartment we just moved out of, we were on the third floor with no shade so we had to run the AC everyday or it would have literally been 90 degrees inside from may through september. We got creative with what to make for supper just to avoid using the oven because it made it absolutely unbearable.

  • Definitly, you made a good point, I think that insulated houses are actually worth more and its a good selling point. While it might not be as appealing as a nice garden as a first impression from a practical standpoint its something you have to look for!

    • Yep, I think that houses – like a car, can be “worth” more if they require less monthly payout for maintenance and upkeep. It could be worth paying a bit more a month on the house payment you’re paying less in heating/cooling costs.