Novosbed Opus pillow

*Novosbed provided me with an Opus pillow for this review. All opinions are my own.

When I was growing up my dad was really cheap. I remember family members poking fun at him about being cheap, and he would reply that he wasn’t cheap, that he was frugal. Once I was into my late teens and began purchasing items for myself, I realized that my dad really is not frugal – he’s cheap. My dad purchases the cheapest variation of a product available in almost every case. As a young adult I quickly realized that sometimes the cheapest product is the cheapest because it was poorly made and will quickly fall apart. For some products, the frugal option is the more expensive option because it will last longer and/or work better. While I do live frugally, pillows are one of those items that I believe in spending money on.

Novosbed Opus pillow

I was recently sent a Novosbed Opus pillow for review. This pillow is designed with all four edges being slightly more shallow than the center, making it ideal for back, side or belly sleepers. When the pillow first arrived it had a slight foam smell but the scent had completely dissipated by the time I went to bed on the day that it arrived (roughly 8 hours after delivery).

I am a major flip flopper, changing positions several times every night and have found this pillow to be comfortable in all of the positions that I have used it in. It’s at an ideal height for me because I feel like my head is in a natural position (not being raised) yet it doesn’t let my head sink through to hit the bed either. The pillow reminds me of memory foam pillows to touch – my head sinks in slightly but the surrounding areas of the pillow maintain their structure providing my whole head with support.

Novosbed opus pillow review

The pillow case has a slightly yellow tinge to it, and has a thick texture that I didn’t find to be as soft as most pillow cases. I decided to try sleeping with the pillow case on it just for testing purposes and was surprised that I didn’t really notice the pillow cases texture at all while sleeping on it. It’s designed to be allergen and dust-mite resistant which I love – I just wish it was softer to the touch and had a brighter, less yellowed appearance.

If you remove the pillowcase you can see slight holes in the foam of the pillow itself but they aren’t detectable with a pillowcase over the pillow. I have been using the Novosbed Opus pillow for about a month now and I haven’t noticed any signs of wear or flattening. The pillow comes with a 3 year warranty and I will be thrilled with the overall value of this pillow if it maintains its current thickness and supportive qualities over a three-year span.

Mother’s day is right around the corner. Many moms hesitate to spend money on themselves – even on important items such as pillows that can improve their quality of sleep. An Opus pillow would make a wonderful gift for any mom this year, but I think it would be particularly appreciated for those sleep deprived moms of young children.

What is your current pillow like? Could you benefit from upgrading to an Opus from Novosbed?




This post currently has 2 responses.

  • Teresa Null

    i am one that buys many many pillows.. they seem to feel good while in the store and then when get home cannot sleep on them even through the night..after reading your review i am going to try it. if it doesn’t work will put in the stack for when the 10 grandchildren all come.. i have enough that i have tried over time that they all have their on and have a couple left over.. i know you should not sleep on same pillow because of dust mites etc. i dont do this.. i am ashame to tell you how many years i have slept on this pillow.. i buy the slip on pillow covers that have zippers and then the pillow case.. i am going to try this one after reading your revieew. i would so love to do review for Amazon but i have no idea on how to get started!!! thank you for the great review!!

  • Deb E

    I like big pillows and this looks like a winner to me. I keep things forever so I don’t mind spending a fair amount of money on quality products. My dad was “frugal” too, lol. He still is in his old age.

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