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Mochu Pop By Kadho FREE Award-Winning Language Learning App For Babies & Toddlers | Emily Reviews
Kadho Mochu Pop

*Thank you Kadho for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.

Early childhood development has fascinated me since I was a child myself. In the first childhood development class that I took in high school, I remember learning that before a baby has their first birthday, they will babble in a way that is unique to their native language. So if you take a 10 or 11 month old baby from an English-speaking family and society, and compare their babbling to the babbling of a baby of the same age with a French-speaking family , you’ll see differences in the sound of their babbling based on their language.

It’s amazing what children pick up on and adapt to in regards to language way before they start speaking on their own. We have also discovered through research that young children will pick up on additional languages much easier than adults will. If you would like your children to be multi-lingual, getting an early start while they are young children is the easiest method.

kadho early language app

Kadho has created an app for babies and toddlers called Mochu Pop. It lets children use a touchscreen to pop bubbles on screen. As the parent you can set the app up to make common sounds from English, French, Italian or Spanish languages. For families who aren’t bilingual, this app provides a fun way to introduce your baby to the sounds of other languages during their early development. App options include volume control, a parental dashboard to check your child’s progress and a blue-light option (which helps protect your child’s eyes).

kadho parent view


The app won the 2015 Platinum Award for Best App For Children and Toddlers, meaning it was chosen out of thousands of other games.

mochu pop language learning app for toddlers

The Kadho tech company also offers free ebooks for babies and toddlers that are designed to help preserve their innate linguistic abilities. The ebooks are based on 50 years of brain science!


Mochu Pop is available for download from iTunes (for iPad and iPhone), Google Play (for android devices) or for kindle.

Kadho is planning additional ebook and game apps for the future, all of which will be free. Sign up online to be notified of new releases.

Follow Kadho online on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google Plus.



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