I am provided with a complimentary Nutrisystem program in exchange for posting regular updates about my results. All opinions are my own.

It’s hard to believe that Ryan has been on Nutrisystem for two weeks already. You can read about his first week on nutrisystem in last weeks’ blog post. Last week, he was on the “fast 5+” program to kick off the program but starting last Tuesday that ended so he’s now been on the regular Nutrisystem plan for a full week.

Ryan’s Nutrisystem plan includes three Nutrisystem entrees a day  (Breakfast, lunch and dinner) plus two Nutrisystem desserts per day. Then we supplement the Nutrisystem food with three “Powerfuels” and two “smartcarbs” per day. Each PowerFuels and SmartCarbs are high quality protein and carb based foods such as lean meat sources, beans, fruits and whole grains. He’s also supposed to drink 64 ounces of water and eat 4 servings of vegetables per day.

Ryan was fairly satisfied last week while on the Fast 5, so switching to the regular Nutrisystem plan which includes quite a bit more food was a big change. He’s actually hard a hard time eating everything that the plan includes because having the Nutrisystem foods plus his SmartCarbs and PowerFuels leave him satisfied so getting in the four servings of veggies per day was harder this week.

The plan involves three meals and three snacks a day, and before Nutrisystem we were in the habit of eating two meals a day plus two snacks, so we’ve had to get used to eating more often (roughly once every 3 hours while awake) but eating less at each sitting. Trying to eat so often causes us to do a little bit more planning before leaving the house, so Ryan will eat right before we go get groceries or run errands if we’ll be gone for less than three hours. If we plan to be gone for longer than 3 hours then we bring along  foods that fit the plan and that require no prep.


Thankfully, Nutrisystem breakfast and lunch entrees include various bars so when we went to Lake Michigan this week Ryan was able to bring a breakfast bar, a lunch bar, PowerFuel (cheese stick) and SmartCarb (a banana) so he was able to stick to the plan while we were there. I was surprised at how easy it was to avoid breaking the plan despite being away from home most of the day. I’m so thankful that the plan allows for that kind of flexibility so we can go about our lives without worrying how to stick to the plan while away from home.

Ryan’s weight today is 249lbs, meaning he’s lost 2 pounds since last week and 10.5 pounds since starting Nutrisystem!

Ryan lost an additional .5 inch from his waist this week, plus 1.25 inches from his chest so he’s lost a total of 5.75 inches so far.




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