Organic Cod liver oil, Probiotic and High vitamin Butter Oil Review & Giveaway
By Lakota

May 23rd, 2016

Thank you to Corganic for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions are my own. 

Health is so important to me as a mother and household runner. With research always surfacing regarding health I feel its important to always have an open mind when choosing health supplements.  A while back my family began a health journey that we never expected to take. Instead of our previous thought of  “vegan is the best way” we opened our minds to nutrient dense foods from all food groups. Within that research we found the miracles of Rosita Real Foods Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil, extra virgin butter oil and probiotics. These whole food supplements are packed full of nutrients and vitamins.

Organic Cod liver oil, Probiotic and High vitamin Butter Oil Review & Giveaway

Some of the most important vitamins and nutrients like vitamin D, and vitamin A are found inside extra virgin cod liver oil. Responsibly sourcing your fish oils is so important these days with the terrible pollution our oceans face. You can be sure that Corganic is a trustworthy and transparent company that stands by and believes the values and principles of the supplements they sell. So lets get to the nitty gritty, how is the taste? With the extra virgin cod liver oil being of no artificial flavors and dyes, it does have a fishy taste but the fishy taste is of the fresh variety. I myself found chasing the teaspoon dosage with orange juice to make things much easier. My kids on the other hand enjoyed their extra virgin cod liver oil mixed into their morning orange juice without a single upturned nose!

Organic Cod liver oil, Probiotic and High vitamin Butter Oil Review & Giveaway

Extra virgin butter oil is important and goes hand in hand with extra virgin cod liver oil. Extra virgin butter oil contains so much itself, vitamin a, vitamin e, and cha to name a few. Vitamin k which will better help your body assimilate and absorb the nutrients within the extra virgin cod liver oil is also found in extra virgin butter oil. The extra virgin butter oil is made small batch seasonally in the late spring to ensure the peak of nutrients contained. Each cow is fed only such green grass and never grains, GMO’s, or corn. The taste of this butter oil is pure and buttery, with a dark rich yellow color. This is so easy to consume and tasty too!

Organic Cod liver oil, Probiotic and High vitamin Butter Oil Review & Giveaway

Organic Cod liver oil, Probiotic and High vitamin Butter Oil Review & Giveaway

Probiotics are so important for your gut health. A healthy gut is a healthy brain and body. A disruption of healthy gut bacteria can lead to so many health issues the list is really never ending. Probiotics are a great way to begin supplementing your diet with gut friendly bacteria. Eating pro and pre biotic rich foods like sauerkraut and fermented foods alongside probiotic supplements is ideal. If you can’t get your hands on quality fermented foods and don’t yet know how to make your own a probiotic supplement will do absolute wonders on your health as a whole. The beauty and importance of using Corganic’s GutPro Powder probiotic is that it uses absolutely no fillers or additives and is in powder form. Powder form makes this perfect to add to anything you or your family already eats. I measure out the recommended amount for each family member (children being slightly less than adults) and sprinkle it on top of anything they are eating for breakfast. The taste is non existent this way and again my children ask for probiotics as they know the benefits and the taste is invisible.

I absolutely trust Corganic to provide and sell only the best and most responsibly resourced products within their site. Corganic has multitudes of information on their website to help you educate yourself on the products you buy, whether that is where the products or ingredients are sourced, how the animals were fed and treated before harvesting of the ingredients, and the importance of taking each supplement.

Win it! A Bottle of GutPro Powder from Corganic, To enter: Fill out the GT form below by 11:59pm EST on 6/10/2016.
Entry Form
Lakota Signature


This post currently has 4 responses.

  • Nan

    Rosita Cod Liver Oil looks like something I would benefit from. Read the info from their website and seems like a well handled product. Also like the probiotics since they have no additives.

  • Maryann D.

    I would like to try Corganic’s GutPro Powder probiotic. I do take probiotics each day and I like to find out about different brands too.

  • Dorothy Yoo

    I have tried corganic and our kids do really well with the gutpro. I look forward to trying some of their other products.

  • Deb E

    I’ve not tried this brand but I’m having so much success with probiotics, I’ve been trying all kinds. I haven’t had cod liver oil in quite a while.

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