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Traveling While On Nutrisystem | Emily Reviews

I have been provided with a Nutrisystem plan in exchange for sharing my honest experience and results on my blog. All opinions are my own.

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For most of this past week we were in Arizona for the BlogPaws conference. Ryan didn’t attend the conference with me, but he took the trip with me and stayed in the hotel room during the conference hours. The trip was our first time ever flying, and our first time spending more than one night in a hotel room since Ryan started Nutrisystem. However, I was pretty confident that we could figure out how to have Ryan continue Nutrisystem while traveling and we succeeded!

Sedona selfie

Our hotel room didn’t have a microwave, and they didn’t even have one to be used in a lobby type area. We got a little creative and used the coffee pot to create water for certain entrees like the mashed potatoes, dry soups, dry rice and oatmeal entrees which we usually boil water to cook. The coffee pot got the water hot enough that it worked just fine. Ryan also relied on several Nutrisystem meal bars because those require no preparation. He also brought items like muffins and several snack bags to end up with enough food for our stay.

Most hotels have microwaves that can at least be used in a public room like a lobby. However we were able to make due without access to one. A normal hotel stay with a microwave would be easy-peasy on Nutrisystem because almost all Nutrisystem entrees can be cooked in a microwave.

I’m thankful that Nutrisystem offers the flexibility in their meal options that make it possible for Ryan to stick to the plan even when away from home.

Have you ever traveled while sticking to a healthy diet? I’d love to hear your tips.





This post currently has 5 responses.

  • mycraftingworld

    Wow, he has such stamina to stick with the diet even when it was not convenient. Koodoos to Ryan. I try to avoid gluten and when I travel it is hard. I did not do as well as he did.

  • kathy downey

    I am so glad that he can stay focused while traveling,i dont do so well when travelling and tend to eat to much garbage(as my hubby calls it)

  • Amber Ludwig

    Omgosh yay to him for putting all the effort forward to stick to it while on vacation!! That’s awesome!!

  • Deb E

    I usually try to book the cheapest room or situation when traveling, so they often don’t have microwaves or anyplace to keep food. Good that Ryan was flexible and that shows he’ll probably be successful going forward and keeping it off for good! He’ll probably do well with the upcoming holiday too.

  • Dandi D

    I’ve heard a lot of interesting things about this system and I’d really like to try it!

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