Your Audiobook Club sent me product. All opinions are my own.

Your Audiobook Club

Your Audiobook Club sends you a monthly subscription box with two new CD audio books, each month. Members may choose between five genres- Thrillers, Romance, Inspiration, Political, or nonfiction. You also have the option to choose a Surprise Me box.

Enter to win a 1-month membership using the Giveaway Tools widget below. Giveaway will end on 12/10/2016. Open to the US only.

Laurie 2014 signature


This post currently has 5 responses.

  • Amber Ludwig

    I think you forgot the widget for this one 🙂

    • Oh goodness. You’re right, we did forget. We are more than a little overworked this time of year with the gift guide. I keep catching myself making silly mistakes like this. I think my brain is just a bit fried, lol. I added the widget in now. Thanks for letting me know.

  • Deb E

    I think everyone understands how incredibly frazzled you and I guess we all are at this time of the year! I have some great audiobooks that are relaxing and totally entertaining when you need to listen and can’t read a good book.

  • Barrie

    My mom listens to audio books on CD when she drives. My brother is 6 hours from her and I live 12 hours from her so she needs them when she travels to see us!

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