I have been provided with a Nutrisystem plan in exchange for sharing my honest experience and results on my blog. All opinions are my own.

When Ryan started Nutrisystem it was in July. I was surprised that he was asked by a few people why he choice to start in July. The honest answer was that just happened to be the time of year that it was when he made up his mind to make a lifestyle change.

I thought it was interesting that they viewed the beginning of a new calendar year as the “right” time to start losing weight. I bet many people also feel like December is the “worst” month to start losing weight. After all, many of us associate the holiday season with desserts and sweets.

Here are 5 reasons to improve your lifestyle now, instead of next month.

  1. You’ll prove to yourself how committed you are. We all are familiar with new years resolutions being broken fairly regularly. Starting the journey to weight loss at a “weird” time of year can really prove how serious you are, and how it’s not something you’re doing just because it’s time for a new years resolution.
  2. Temptation isn’t always a bad thing. While none of us enjoy being tempted, it can actually be a positive experience to be tempted by foods that you chose to avoid. You’ll feel extra committed to your new lifestyle choice if you can see unhealthy foods and pass them by.
  3. You’ll have a month head start on your friends or family members who start next month!
  4. Gifts & sales. You can request health and fitness related gifts for Christmas (or any other December holiday that you choose to celebrate) if you start early. Or you can snag deals on workout clothing and gear while you’re out shopping for other items.
  5. Each day is a fresh start. Using this mentality as a reason to start your journey today instead of January 1st makes sense. Then you can apply it to your journey in general! Last week I talked about how falling off the wagon on one mean doesn’t mean you should eat junk the rest of the day. Having the mindset that each day (or even each meal!) is a fresh start is a really great mindset for making a long-term lifestyle change.

Have you started a weight loss and/or fitness journey in the past? Did you wait for the start of a new year?




This post currently has 7 responses.

  • Karen Glatt

    I have lost weight by ignoring my hunger pains and drinking water and going for walks. It is mind over matter and being determined to lose weight that really works for me! And I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

  • Lynda Cook

    You guys look absolutely amazing, way to go!!! I did join WW for a while and lost 40lbs. but my husband had to leave work due to cancer, so I had to quit going to WW because of the cost and sadly I gained it all back, hopefully after his surgery and once we get Christmas out of the way I can get back into the groove again!!

  • Amber Ludwig

    YES!! I love thinking that every day is a fresh start!! I am a huge procrastinator but am trying to learn to be better and do better NOW, not tomorrow or later 🙂 Thanks for such an inspiring post!!

  • Deb E

    Summer, with all the happy sunshine is the best time I think, to get out to move and lose weight. I think diet plans go right along with that. I spy a pug butt in this pic!

  • Michelle S

    I agree that it sometimes has to start simply when you’re ready for a change. I’ve been watching my sodium for almost a year now to keep my blood pressure in check.

  • ellen beck

    I used to say I would lose weight every single year. it never happened. They say the biggest gym memberships bought in Januaruary arent even used by may. Now I dont much make any commitments. It happens when I am ready.

  • I started on a healthy eating plan the first of November to go thru December to just not over eat during all the holidays and with all the sweets being around. I have stuck to it about 90% of the time. It takes discipline and I am so proud that you and Ryan have so much of it. Congratulations on your ability to stay with it.

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