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YUNMAI Premium Smart Scale Review | Emily Reviews
YUNMAI premium smart scale

I was sent a YUNMAI smart scale to review. There are affiliate links in this post. All opinions are my own.

In the past year and a half or so, Ryan has lost a little over 60 pounds. I’ve lost about 20 myself. At the beginning of his weight loss journey Ryan read that you should weigh in about once a week. The reason for this being that it’s normal to fluctuate a little bit from one day to the next, and this isn’t necessarily a true loss or a gain.

We’ve never been very good at weighing only weekly, though! It’s tough to go that long between seeing if your hard work is paying off. We were recently sent a YUNMAI Premium Smart Scale which is a neat way to weigh everyday without misunderstanding your overall results. It also has other neat benefits that you won’t see in your regular bathroom scale.

Yunmai smartscale users

Users list. I was currently on my account which is why mine didn’t show up. It only shows the remaining accounts that you can choose. 

The YUNMAI scale comes with an app that you can use on a smartphone or tablet. You create an account that includes your age, gender and height. Each account can list up to 16 family members or users. You simply have the app turned on when you step on the scale and the information from your scale will transfer to the app via Bluetooth technology.

Yunmai smart scale app

Once you’ve weighed multiple times, the app will start to create a graph showing your overall progress. I’ve been using the scale for about a week so you can see my progress so far. I’ve fluctuated 1.7 pounds in total. As I continue to use the scale I will be able to get a feel for how much fluctuation is typical in an average week or month so I know what is true progress and what is normal changes from one day (or outfit) to the next.

Yunmai BMR

I knew that the YUNMAI Premium Smart Scale claimed to be able to tell BMI, water/muscle/fat percentages, bone age and more. I thought BMI made sense considering how it knows your weight and asks your height. I also thought your BMR (basal metabolic rate – or how many calories your body burns while at rest) made sense as that is based on your height and weight. However, I wasn’t sure how it would determine those in an accurate way. One day I stepped on the scale in socks and was surprised to get an alert asking me to remove my socks so that it could calculate those finer details. I removed my socks and it recognized my bare feet and was able to calculate the remaining information.

yunmai body fat percentage

I personally wasn’t familiar with what a good number was for muscle percentage, fat percentage, and so on. The app lets you select each measurement and it shows you on a scale whether you are in the low, good, high or really high range based on color. The same thing goes with BMI and other measurements.

yunmai bmi

The YUNMAI premium smart scale really fun scale for keeping track of your progress with weight loss, muscle gain or just tracking your health overall. It’s currently listed for $67.95 on Amazon. I love the additional benefits that this scale provides over the traditional bathroom scale. It’s well worth the money for the additional functionality in my opinion.



This post currently has 6 responses.

  • Michelle S

    I like that it would help analyze the fluctuation because sometimes that can be demotivating. I also like that you can track it on your phone.

  • Amber Ludwig

    Wow!! This is such a cool scale!! I am looking for something just like this for the year and trying to get healthier!! I love the ability to see the info and results in an app!!

  • This looks like a great scale! Mine has been driving me crazy so I’ll check this one out! Thanks for sharing with us!

  • Anne

    I had no idea you could get that sort of detailed information from a scale. I’m impressed! I’m also impressed–and inspired–with how well you and your husband have been doing.

  • These are great details to help motivate you to continue you change in eating habits. I did not realize you could get so many items on the scale.

  • ellen beck

    Goodness gracious, thats amazing it calculates all that! I have seen the ones that do BMI, as this one does, but not bone mass or anything else. This would be great to see whats ‘normal’ and what isnt. I would imagine, this would be nice to see what could be affecting weight. Perhaps a water gain or whatever. Nifty scale.

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