Thank you to Nutrisystem for providing me with products in exchange for this honest blog review. All opinions are 100% my own.

Many people assume that Nutrisystem wants you to eat their foods for the rest of your life. That simply isn’t true. Nutrisystem wants to teach you how to make healthy choices so that you are successful long term.

One area I struggle with is proper portion sizes. The Nutrisystem website has several helpful articles on this subject. I recently read the post titled Become A Nutrisystem Portion Pro. While reading this, I learned that eating nutritious foods is important, but eating the right amounts of those nutritious foods is equally as important.

When I am at home, I can use a food scale and/or measuring cups to measure out the correct portions of foods. When I am out and about, I need another way to estimate my portion sizes. The article taught me a few tricks on how to visualize the proper portion sizes. For example:

Three ounces of white fish is approximately the same size as a flat check book.
Two ounces of meat, poultry, and fatty fish is a bit smaller than a deck of cards.
You can estimate one ounce of cheese, by visualizing three dice.
One cup of milk or yogurt is about the same size as a baseball.
Nuts and nut butters usually have a portion size of one or two tablespoons. One tablespoon is similar in size to a poker chip.
Fresh fruits usually have a portion size of one cup. This can be compared to a small clinched fist. If you need a half cup portion, visualize a computer mouse.

Aren’t these helpful?! Do you have any tricks to eating a proper portion size?


My progress this week- I lost one pound and 1 inch. This brings my grand total to 25 pounds and 46.5 inches lost!

Non-scale victories- I finally took the plunge! I tried on a pair of jeans in a smaller size. They fit comfortably! Yahoo, time to go shopping!


Are you interested in learning more about Nutrisystem? Please visit the Nutrisystem website to see the great selection of products and programs they have to offer.

Don’t forget to follow Nutrisystem on facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube for the latest announcements and special offers.

Laurie 2014 signature


This post currently has 5 responses.

  • gloria patterson

    good job hang in there losing weight is a bitch….. I have thought about using nutrisystem but there are so much food that i don’t like. And if I didn’t like it I would end up cheating………… round and round 🙂

  • ellen beck

    I like the amount off inches lost, thats impressive! I usually do pretty good on portion size although not all the time. I have a weakness for carbs eating way too much bread, noodles etc. I dont have any trick except to take smaller portions than I actually want. You are doing terrific!

  • Sarah L

    Congratulations on a new jeans size! I’m pretty good with what portion sizes should be.

  • Jeanine Carlson

    This vissualization is a great tool to have for anywhere, anytime! Thanks!!

  • Amber Ludwig

    I am so bad at portion sizes!! Especially when Im hungry!! And then I feel like I need to eat it all and its all downhill from there!! Thanks for some easy portion reminders!!

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