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How To Save Money On Dog Medication | Emily Reviews
Fetch my meds vet prescription discount

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Fetch My Meds. The opinions and text are all mine. This post is sponsored by Fetch My Meds and the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network™. I am being compensated to create awareness about the Fetch My Meds pharmacy discount program for pets, but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. Fetch My Meds is not responsible for the content of this article.

My dogs are getting older. At 12 and 13 years old, they are still relatively active and happy dogs. They still love to play with toys, go on walks and spend time in the yard basking in the sun. However, I do see more signs of their aging process. The vet confirmed that Frank has arthritis, and while Beans’ hasn’t been confirmed I believe she does too. If she lays for too long she tends to wake up with a stiff leg.

Save money on dog medications

Beans has also become prone to urinary tract infections. The vet has told me that this is quite common in older female dogs. Thankfully the solution is pretty simple. We just run in to the vet who checks her over and prescribes an antibiotic. Most of the time our vet keeps simple antibiotics on hand and will include the cost with our bill and we walk out with the medication. Honestly, I didn’t usually take the time to look at how much of the cost was the medication vs the cost of the appointment itself. However, the last time that Beans had a UTI his stock was out, so he gave us a written script to take to a pharmacy. The antibiotic was a common one that is used by people. I have had it prescribed to me and I knew that the cost was $4 at my local pharmacy, without health insurance. So, I was shocked when it was much higher at my pharmacy. The reason? It was for a dog. Yet, the medication was exactly what they would give people. It was even bubble-gum flavored! Clearly not canine-specific. Now Beans also has been having trouble with urine “spotting” so the vet has her on estrogen medication which has been wonderful at preventing the issue all together.

How to save money on pet prescriptions

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I’m thankful that I recently learned about Fetch My Meds. Fetch My Meds is the first pharmacy discount program created just for pet medications! Signing up is completely free. Having a Fetch My Meds discount card can save you up to 70% on your pet’s medications. The Fetch My Meds veterinary discount card can be used as traditional pharmacies such as CVS or Walgreens, or it can be used at online pet pharmacies. The online version is shown below and can be entered while checking out on online pet pharmacy websites. For visiting pharmacies in person you can print the card instead. If your vet usually provides medication to you directly, you can request a written prescription so that you can visit a pharmacy instead.

Fetch my meds prescription savings card for pets

It took me literally less than 5 minutes to sign up. If you are a pet owner I recommend that you sign up for Fetch My Meds and print off your card now and keep it in your wallet. I know that when my pets get sick, I get a little anxious and it’s hard to focus on much else! Having it on hand in advance would increase the odds that I have it ready to use when needed.

Once you do need a script, you can use their Drug Pricing Tool to find out which pharmacy has the best pricing near your home.

Be sure to follow Fetch My Meds on Facebook and Twitter.

This post currently has 6 responses.

  • Peggy Nunn

    That is a great item. I will have to tell my sister about it. It is bad how they charge more for pets when they think you do not have a choice.

  • Lauryn R

    This sounds like a great way to save money on your pets meds! I have not heard of them until now. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂

  • ellen beck

    I have never ever heard of them having any kind of pet meds at CVS or Walgreens here and we live in a rural state. I feel your pain on antibiotics, usually when we get them we get ‘over’ the amount and we can use them if the problem comes up again. We use a country vet though. I am going to have to take a look to see if ths is offered in our are, this would be well worth the time.

  • Sharon Rooney

    Thank you. I too have an older dog and he is on quite a few different medications and every little bit off of the price sure helps.

  • Tami

    I think animal insulin is different than human insulin so I am not sure if this would work for us.

  • Tami

    I think animal insulin is different than human insulin so I am not sure if this would work for us.

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