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StellaLife Organic & Natural Oral Care | Emily Reviews
Stellalife oral care trio

I partnered with StellaLife on this sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

StellaLife® is a biotech company working to help improve peoples lives by speeding up healing, relieving pain, and reducing or even eliminating the need for narcotic pain medications or steroids. They currently offer three products, a gel, a rinse and a mist. The oral care gel works to target pain relief in dry sockets, dry mouth and ulcers. The Oral Care Rinse worse on dry mouth to provide lasting hydration and to promote healthy gums. The rinse is chemical-free, antimicrobial, anti-fungus and kills bacteria that cause tooth decay and periodontal disease. The Oral Care Mist is an easy-to-carry everyday hydration product for dry mouth, and it can freshen breath while moisturizing for hours. All three products from StellaLife are organic, sugar free, gluten-free, non-toxic, non-GMO and vegan!

Stellalife oral care trio

I’ve never had a dry socket but I’ve heard from others that it is incredibly painful, even worse than a toothache in terms of pain! If you plan to have a tooth removed, having StellaLife gel on hand would bring peace of mind. I got lucky when I’ve had teeth pulled to have no complications, but it would be great to have on hand for teens facing wisdom tooth removal, for example. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m excited to have the rinse and mist on hand myself. I am an allergy sufferer but my symptoms mostly appear in phases during the spring and fall. When my allergies are at the worst, or sometimes if I have a head cold, I wake up with my mouth incredibly dry, it feels and tastes awful. I’d love to see if the rinse and mist can assist with dry mouth when it is just a temporary issue caused by sickness like that. The mist bottle can be refilled with the rinse!

stellalife gel

Discount: Click on one of the links in this post and then use the promo code EMILYREVIEWS when ordering to get free shipping on any order!

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