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10 Ways to Create a Comfortable Toy Filled Playroom | Emily Reviews

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Children love to play, and they sure do love their toys. Those same toys have a tendency to fill every room of the house. Having a designated play area where all the lego, my little ponies, and video games live can help you keep the chaos under control while providing your child with a fun space where they can go all-in on fun and games. So how can you create a toy-filled playroom for your little ones? We’ve listed ten tips to get you started!


Create plenty of storage

Toys take up a lot of space, and sometimes it’s easy to despair at the chaotic mess they tend to create. The trick is to make plenty of storage that is easy to access and use for both you and your child. With big boxes that it’s easy to throw things into, you can turn tidying up into a fun game in itself. A tip is to turn it into a competition, and most young kids will immediately be game.

Baby proof electrical outlets and cords

Children are curious and love inspecting everything in their surroundings. If they find a hole in the wall, they will most likely try to poke something in it. Therefore, it’s critical to baby proof all electricity in the playroom as well as in the rest of your home.

Build a tipi or a tent

Kids love a good hideaway and will adore a tipi or a tent to call their own. You can buy a readymade or craft your own–there are plenty of DIY instructions online. Decorating with fairy lights, pillows, and blankets is a fun project to do together.

Use fabrics and materials that wash easily

When you have young kids, there will occasionally be stains on furniture. Juice gets spilled, crayons get broken, and watercolor gets splashed all over. Instead of letting that stress you, it’s better to plan for it in advance. Cover your kids’ furniture with easy-to-wash fabric, and opt for bedding and carpets that are easy to throw in the washing machine. 

Create a cozy corner

Somewhere soft and cozy where your child can retract and relax on their own is often highly appreciated. All you need to create a cozy corner in your kid’s room is a mattress, a big pile of pillows, and some soft toys. A dedicated resting place can help your child learn how to regulate their energy on their own so that you both get some well-earned rest now and then. For maximum comfyness for both you and your child, try a sofa to fit any space.

Put the toys within your child’s reach

Put shelves at a height where your kid can reach things to enable your child to play independently. Books, dolls, and cars are examples of toys that you can give free access to, while the more messy stuff like paint and clay may be better off on higher shelves and used under your supervision. 

Hide some of the toys for a while

A smart move is to not give your child access to all toys at all times. By hiding a few things and then reintroducing them a month later, most small kids will be delighted and treat them as if they were entirely new to them. 

Display things of educational value

Help your child learn the alphabet and read a watch by having educational toys and posters available. Wooden letters, numbers, and alphabetical posters are examples of toys that serve a larger purpose, and a clock on the wall will get your child curious about how it works. The same thing goes for books and other kinds of pedagogic things.

Turn the walls into a fairytale

Children love fantastical stories, and most have a favorite fairytale that they never get tired of. Why not use the surface of the walls to turn the playroom into an even more magical space! Paint, wallpaper, stencils or wall stickers are all fun and easy ways to transform a room entirely. Perhaps you’ll opt for an underwater landscape, or a wall full of clouds, rainbows, and unicorns? Use your imagination, and remember that it’s easy to repaint a wall as your child grows and falls in love with new stories.

Create a themed room

Does your child love dinosaurs? Or perhaps it is horses, basketball or ballet that they adore? Either way, you can let their interest guide you as you decorate the playroom in a way they will love. An indoor basketball hoop, a rocking horse or a dinosaur cave are all great ways to make your tiny loved one happy. 

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