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Quitting any addiction is a hard task and one that requires support. Smoking is more difficult because you deal with not only a nicotine addiction but also a life-long habit. People who smoke will need dedication and resources to ensure success. Medical professionals and Big Pharma have teamed up to offer hypnosis and nicotine replacement options. However, scientists are beginning to see how CBD can be a game-changer with success rates.

As of right now, the American Cancer Society says that less than ten percent of smokers see success with attempts to quit without using any form of assistance. That generally means they have attempted to quit cold turkey. With using nicotine replacement treatments, such as patches or gum, the success rate goes up slightly. However, it often leads to relapses. Humans thrive on habits and seek them out, so breaking a habit will take effort.

How CBD Helps

With most addictions, you can quit if you can make it through the withdrawals. Tobacco and nicotine add two other
facets to that:

  1. Replace Habits – It naturally curbs the desire to light a cigarette
  2. Handle Triggers – CBD stimulates the serotonin and dopamine receptors in your body to naturally handle stress,
    anxiety, and depression
  3.  Deal with withdrawal – CBD relaxes the body and moderates mood swings, as well as managing pain

Normally, you will need to use various products and support groups to manage all three areas of smoking cessation. However, CBD has the unique ability to break habits, teach your body to handle emotions, and suppress withdrawal
symptoms. Before CBD, people would use counseling and tobacco free pouches to slowly cut down on the amount they
smoked. This helps with handling the triggers and dealing with the withdrawal symptoms, but not fixing the habit. Habits
were only broken by changing routines, which is not desired by many people. CBD is allowing people the ability to
maintain their routines without the desire to smoke.

CBDInfusionz recommends trying CBD gum as an alternative for when you want a smoke, or gummies or lotion to to target nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 

Researchers Weigh In

If you are one of those who need to see statistics to prove claims, this section is for you. Researchers are still performing studies on the success of CBD in terms of smoking cessation. The legalization of marijuana and CBD is still relatively new, so tests are still in the early stage. However, they have begun to transform from lab tests to human study groups. In 2013, researchers performed a week-long study to determine if smokers reduced the number of cigarettes they consumed. Group one was given an inhaler with a placebo, while group two received an inhaler with CBD oil. The result was a 40-percent reduction in the number of cigarettes consumed in group two at the end of one week.

In 2017, researchers took the studies back to the lab to monitor brain activity in rats. They took rats addicted to nicotine and monitored them by stimulating triggers that would cause the rat to go back to nicotine. With this information, they began introducing CBD and noticed that the rats did not go back to the nicotine when triggered. It appeared that there was solid evidence that CBD can disrupt the habits and drive to use cigarettes to handle triggers.

Studies are still being performed to determine how CBD stops habits, but it is clear the evidence supports the benefits. The best part is you can find CBD in many forms, including gummies ( They are non-addictive and carry many health benefits.

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