VIM & VIGR Review
By Asha

October 1st, 2021

Thank you to VIM & VIGR for sending compression socks for review in exchange for my honest opinion. 

As I have mentioned before, I work full time as a school nurse. I also am currently battling breast cancer. Unfortunately the chemotherapy that I was prescribed gave me neuropathy in my feet. This had me looking at compression socks to try to help with the numbness and tingling from the neuropathy. I was thankful to get the chance to partner with VIM & VIGR to try out two pairs of their compression socks!

What Are The Benefits Of Compression Socks? 

VIM & VIGR compression socks help to reduce swelling, increase circulation, alleviate achiness and heaviness, aid in muscle recovery, ease discomfort, energize legs and protect the overall health of your legs. VIM & VIGR socks work by applying therapeutic pressure from the ankle that gradually eases as it moves up the leg – it is called graduated compression. 

Graduated compression is displayed in ranges. The higher the number, the stronger the support level. 20-30 mmHg socks offer more support and feel tighter than 15-20 mmHg socks.

15-20 MMHG Provides support that is perfect for every day wear. They are great for mild to moderate Edema, travel, pregnancy, achiness, and spider or varicose veins. 20-30 MMHG Provides support that is recommended for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Edema, Lymphedema, pre- and post-surgical applications and moderate varicose veins.

30-40 MMHG Provides support that is usually prescribed by a doctor. They are used for treating conditions such as DVT, Venous Insufficiency, Lymphedema and Dysautonomia.

VIM & VIGR Compression Socks

I received the 15-20 MMHG socks in the Petite Heart design, as well as the 20-30mmHg Black in Moisture Wick Nylon. These are not your ‘normal’ compression socks. The only compression socks I had ever had were the ones from the hospital that I got when I had my babies. These aren’t even in the same category as the hospital compression socks. They are so much better! The graduated compression from ankle to calf really makes a difference. Since I am on my feet much of the day these were very helpful in keeping my legs from feeling as tired. Although they don’t take my neuropathy away, I do definitely feel a difference when I have the socks on versus when I do not. These socks wash up really well and are very comfortable for all day wear. I have surgery next week and I plan to alternate between these two pairs of socks after surgery to make sure I’m keeping my circulation in tip top shape.

Buy It: Head over to VIM & VIGR

Connect: Don’t forget to like them on Facebook, follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, and subscribe to their YouTube channel for all the latest news and promotions.

Win It:  VIM & VIGR is generously offering one of our lucky readers a pair of Pumpkin Spice Compression Socks. The giveaway is open to US only. The giveaway will end October 12, 2021. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!



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