Our family is a big fan of VeggieTales. I like the message in their DVD’s and our family enjoys watching them together. Many times, our family pizza party movie nights include VeggieTales. However, I just recently discovered that they carry more than just DVDs on their site. They also have music, books, toys, apparel, products for the home and churches, school accessories, and party supplies.  Their party supplies category has everything from cups, plates, and napkins, to balloons, lights, wrapping paper, treat bags, candles, costumes, activity sheets, bracelets & party favors, stickers, tattoos, and more.

Veggie Tales #1

We have two birthdays to celebrate in June.  Our oldest son is turning six and our youngest son is turning one.  Two fun milestones.  VeggieTales sent me a party supply package filled with goodies to make their days extra special.

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veggietales 2  veggietales 1  veggietales 17

The Treat Sacks are super cute and even include activities on the back for the kids to do.  The Sticker Pack activity sheets are fun too.  We also received various VeggieTales Bands of different characters.  Add a juice box and pack of fruits snacks and the treat bags are done.  Super easy.

Veggie 5  Veggie 6  veggie 1

Veggie 7  Veggie 4  Veggie 3

We used the VeggieTales decorations and colors to pull our theme together.  Our three main colors were blue, red, and green but we also tied in some orange to round off our theme.  The candles were adorable and topped off our ice cream cake perfectly.  Since our theme was VeggieTales, we decided to serve tacos in a bag and lots of fresh fruit.  This way, we had a wide selection of fruits and veggies to eat as well.

Veggie 2

We made our own “carrots” for snacks on the tables.  We melted white almond bark and added orange food coloring.  Then we dipped bugles in the mix and let them set.  They were a fun little snack that the kids and I were able to make together and our guests loved them.  They were pleasantly surprised when they took a bite because some thought they were actually carrots.  A fun twist to include at our party.  You can find even more ideas on Pinterest.  Here is one Pin with a bunch of great do-it-yourself additions you could incorporate into your VeggieTales party.

We had a great time and our theme was a hit.  Don’t forget to check out the VeggieTales site for their current DVD’s and other fun items that are available for purchase.  What birthday theme are you going to use this year?

You can also connect with VeggieTales on Facebook and Twitter to catch their latest news and announcements.



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