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~Back To School~ With Classroom Friendly Supplies Pencil Sharpener Review & Giveaway (US) 8/21 | Emily Reviews

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August is upon us and it’s time to get busy preparing for the new school year. What every back-to-school shopping list should include is a really great pencil sharpener. I can’t stand dull pencils and I have found a great solution to share with you.

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I was sent a pencil sharpener from Classroom Friendly Supplies. I have now had that sharpener since the beginning of May and we are still in love!  I have sharp pencils at my disposal at all times.  We have yet to have any difficulties or problems with our sharpener and it gets used a lot.  Since we homeschool, the kids are constantly using pencils too.  We only school sporadically throughout the Summer but pencils still get used daily for other things.  Our daughter loves to draw and write so she seems to always have one in her hand.  Our Classroom Friendly Supplies Sharpener is always sitting on the corner of my desk ready for all to use.

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You can read my original Classroom Friendly Supplies Review  I have told everyone about this sharpener because it’s truly hard to find an affordable one that works well. Classroom Friendly Supplies has created a product that is both extremely affordable at $24.99 each (or cheaper if you buy in bulk) and works amazing.  This sharpener is super quiet, sharpens effortlessly, and empties easily.  So I suggest that you get some friends together to make a purchase at a discount today.

Buy It: Head over to Classroom Friendly Supplies to see for yourself the great sharpeners they offer. You can find them in four different colors.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Classroom Friendly Supplies on Facebook and follow them on Twitter all the latest news and promotions.

Win It: Classroom Friendly Supplies is generously offering one of our lucky readers their own pencil sharpener. The giveaway is open to US only. The giveaway will end August 21st, 2013. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!

*Emily Reviews is currently testing out the upgraded giveaway tools entry form. Because it is so new, it may have some bugs or technical problems. If you experience any problems with the form, please email Giveaway Tools at

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