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There is a company I have come to know, love, and trust to deliver quality products in the educational and learning department and I was happy to partner with them for this review.  Super Duper Publications has a wide variety of products great for use in homes and classrooms.

~Classifying Photo Fish~

The Classifying Photo Fish game is a great tool to aid in improving sorting and classifying skills.  The original prep was easy, the stickers just needed to be placed on the foam fish. While there are only two fishing rods included, more children can play and the rods can be passed.  There are four game ideas for play and five categories: Transportation, Clothing, Animals, Food, and Around The Home.  The magnetic fish attach and detach easily to the rods.  While the mat is plastic and may not last forever, this game can be playing without it if needed.  Geared for pre-K through 6th grade, this game is a winner in our home.  The sturdy “tackle box” to hold all the pieces makes it a home run.

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~Story Prediction Fun Deck with Secret Decoder~

The Story Prediction Fun Deck is geared towards helping students make predictions.  Designed for grades 1 through 8, the Story Prediction Fun Deck comes with 56 cards.  We are doing a couple a day to keep it fun.  The kids enjoy listening and taking turns using the decoder to see if they chose the right answer.  While you can also use these cards to have the child repeat the story back for memory work, we also find it fun to take turns adding on to the story.  Even our 3 year old is able to “play” with us on some but I do think these would be too easy for most 7th and 8th graders unless you ad-lib and create a new game.  Something to note.  Our decoder didn’t work so I pulled the batteries out and flipped them the other direction and then it worked.   This Story Prediction Fun Deck would make a great stocking stuffer.

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 ~Go For The Dough Board Game~

The Go For The Dough Board Game is a game that builds vocabulary skills.  There are six categories to work from: synonyms, rhyming words, opposites, definitions, multiple meaning, and categories.  The kids work their way around the board by giving an answer for the word on the dollar they chose.  There are several variations for this game.  I can work on a specific category, mix categories, use the board or use the dollars alone.  I like how Super Duper Publications leaves their games so open ended so I am able to improvise with what works for our children.  I also like that we can play as long as we like or time allows.  Geared for ages Pre-K and up, the kids enjoy this game immensely but they did suggest that there be little pizzas that they could pick up at Pizza Place and deliver to Grandma.  Other than that, it’s a hit.

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~Turtle Talk Game~

The Turtle Talk Game builds language skills and encourages fluency.  I really like that the turtle represents how the children should practice their speech: slow and steady.  The kids enjoy advancing around the board and earning turtle tokens when they complete the skill question.  While the card has multiple skill levels and you can choose one, we enjoy doing a whole card per turn.  I find that it gives the kids more practice and each child can have more time holding the turtle (we have the child whose turn it is hold the turtle).  This is a fast paced game that keeps interest and builds skills.

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~MagneTalk Telling Time Game~

The MagneTalk Telling Time Game includes a sturdy magnetic board and magnets.  The board contains an analog (traditional) clock, digital clock, and an area to create a sentence.  Telling time can be tricky but learning with magnets keeps it fun.  I like that the words also encourage additional descriptions for the time.  By giving the kids multiple activities to complete, they keep from becoming discouraged.  When using an analog only clock, some kids have trouble comprehending so it’s great to see the time in three different versions.  The kids are enjoying quizzing each other and practicing time with this MagneTalk Telling Time Game.

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~Ticklin’ Tongue Twisters Pencils~

The Ticklin’ Tongue Twisters Pencils would make a great stocking stuffer or reward.  This 60 pack of pencils comes in brilliant colors and each pencil boasts a tongue twister.  From the classic “How much wood could a wood chuck chuck ……” that I grew up with to some that I have never heard “Ten tired turtles sitting on a tiny tin tub turned tan.”  These are not only fun for the kids, but my husband and I are enjoying saying them with our kids.  This is one of those great “why didn’t I think of that” products.  Kids use pencils all the time and what an easy way to include learning!  These would be a hit to give out at school too.

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Keep Super Duper Publications in mind for December 2nd, Cyber Monday shopping! Shipping is free on all orders of $20 or more for anywhere in the United States and Canada. We have enjoyed every single product we’ve used from Super Duper Publications and I think they’d make great presents for the upcoming holidays.

Buy It: Head over to Super Duper Publications to see for yourself the great selection of quality products they offer. Be sure to use the code  D4SN8WCA to save 15% off your order, good through December 20th, 2013.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Super Duper Publications on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Pinterest, and subscribe to their YouTube Channel for all the latest news and promotions.



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