I received products from Piggy Paint for this review. All opinions are my own.


For the last three years, I have included Piggy Paints in my daughters’ Christmas gifts. They and I, LOVE Piggy Paints. We love that there is finally a safe nail polish that is non-toxic, odorless and kid-friendly clean-up. What do I mean by kid-friendly clean-up? Let me tell you about our first experience with Piggy Paint. It was a dark stormy night in Oregon. My husband was at the end of a week-long hunting trip, the girls and I were emotionally and physically drained. I decided to lighten the mood by trying a new nail polish we had received for review. I carefully set up a nail salon in their playroom and surprised them with a spa adventure. As I went to get something, I tripped and the bottle of red nail polish flew out of my hands in slow motion and flew across the room. It hit the table’s corner and broke open as it tumbled to our light colored carpets, spilling everywhere. The girls started crying because mommy broke their new polish and I started crying for the loss of my carpet. I quickly remembered seeing a comment on the nail polish website saying it could be cleaned up with water if the polish was still wet. I grabbed a bathroom towel, got it wet and cleaned the spilled polish. Guess what, 99.9% of the polish came up. Then I realized I was using a good white bath towel and began worrying about it. I tossed it into the washing machine and in 30 minutes, it was spotless. From that day on, we have only used Piggy Paint polish in our house! I instantly became a lifelong fan and got rid of all of my other polishes.


The girls and I recently received the Princess Piggy Package, an assortment of Piggy Paint Nail Art decals and two Piggy Paint Pedi Sets.

The Princess Piggy Package comes with 15 top selling Piggy Paints and two Piggy Paint Nail Polish Removers. Everything is neatly packaged for your princess in an Eco-Friendly gift box.


Piggy Paint Nail Art decals are a fun and easy way to dress-up your mani/pedi. Simply stick the decal to your nail and apply a coat of Topcoat polish or Class Slipper to seal the design.


Pedi Set comes with everything needed for a spa day: nail file, pedi brush, toe separators and a foot file. You little piggies will be soft and smooth after you use the Pedi Set.

For all of the reasons above and more, I think Piggy Paint makes a great holiday gift for young girls and women of all ages.

You can connect with Piggy Paint on facebook, twitter and pinterest.



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