Chores are an important part of kids lives – they can teach kids to help out around the house, take care of themselves. In turn, proving an allowance can teach kids about saving, spending and budgeting money. It can be a hassle to keep track of which chores your child has done and how much they have earned.

My Job Chart is an online tool that allows you to create a chore chart for your children or even for your entire family.

When you create an account (which is completely free!) you add your family members and assign chores, and point values to the chores. You can assign the chore by day, or to be daily, and time of day such as am, pm or both if its’ something like brushing teeth.

Once everyone in your family has a job chart you can set up rewards. The rewards portion is essentially a wishlist of items they’d like to earn for doing chores, such as a toys, a video games, or a trip to the movie theater. You can set up the number of points that a certain reward is worth. For example, you could say that a trip to the movie theater is worth 500 points, or a 15.00 toy your child wants is worth 400 points. Once they have enough points, they choose their reward.

There are tons of chores and rewards to choose from, but if you don’t see a reward or chore that you want to include you can always create your own to add to the list. You can also choose a set of regular, required chores and then add additional chores that your child can do for points if they feel extra ambitious or really want to build up points to get that toy on their reward list.

For a visual explanation of how it all works, check out this video.

Disclaimer – This is a compensated post. All opinions are my own.


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