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dpl Nuve Handheld Light Therapy | Emily Reviews

LED Technologies, LLC is a company that specializes in DPL (Deep Penetrating Light) therapy for a variety of issues that include, not only pain and sore muscles but also swelling, bruises, Plantar Fasciitis, bedsores, and a myriad of other health concerns that most of us face over a lifetime.   The DPL therapy is safe, all-natural and inexpensive alternative to prescription drugs, surgery and other procedures.


The product I’m reviewing is the DPL Nuve Beauty which is a handheld light emitting diode (LED) for use in treating periorbital wrinkles.  The instructions indicate that although everyone’s skin varies, most individuals will see improvement after 4 treatments although LED Technologies, LLC recommends that the product be used over a period of 10 weeks.






I have not used my DPL Nuve Beauty for the full 10 weeks or for 4 treatments but I can tell you that the warmth that is emitted from this
unit is very soothing.   After I used the unit on my left eye area (I was careful to wear the goggles as recommended by LED Technologies, LLC), I compared my left eye area to my right eye area and I swear the left eye wrinkles looked slightly less noticeable.   Mind you there wasn’t a huge difference but I had only used it once!

LED Technologies, LLC recommends that the product be used on alternating days.  The first time the unit is used, a red “wrinkle head” is used and then the second time, the purple “wrinkle head is used and that pattern continues for 15 days and then you can decide whether to repeat the cycle.  Each use is for 20 minutes (each eye).   I have to admit… it was difficult for me to find 40 minutes when I could sit or lie down in order to do this.  I finally just went into the bedroom, set my phone to go off in 20 minutes and did it.


You can find LED Technologies products on their website, facebook, and twitter pages.


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