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Oransi Ionic Fridge Air Purifier Review | Emily Reviews

In 2009, Oransi began selling products that help clean the air you breathe. Oransi currently offers Eco-friendly air purifiers, filters, and laundry products. Their products are innovative and high quality.

This year, I have learned first-hand how dangerous the air we breathe can be. Right now, I have a family member that is suffering with a horrible allergic reaction. Doctors haven’t been able to pin-point what is causing the allergic reaction but, they suspect it is a protein in the air. The allergic reaction has really taken a toll on my family member. It has completely destroyed their esophagus and is now possibly harming his internal organs. Who would have thought the air we are breathing could do so much damage?!

For my review, I received an Ionic Fridge Air Purifier. The Ionic Fridge Air Purifier silently cleans the air in your refrigerator. It safely removes all food orders and bacteria, keeping your fridge smelling fresh and clean.

Finding room for the Ionic Fridge Air Purifier shouldn’t be a problem because it is smaller than a can of soda.

To run the Ionic Fridge Air Purifier it takes two AA batteries. It has an on/off cycle so it doesn’t wear down your batteries. Batteries will need to be replaced on the average about every 45-90 days. There are no filters to replace and/or clean.

Oransi is on facebook and twitter.

Who are you buying Oransi for this holiday season? I would love to get my family member the Oransi Finn UV Air Purifier!

This is a Pin It To Win it Giveaway. One lucky winner will receive an Oransi Ionic Fridge Air Purifier by pinning the photo below to their Pinterest Board. This is a US giveaway that will end on 12/01/12.

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