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Rock 'N Learn 1st & 2nd Grade DVD Collection | Emily Reviews

From the day they began, Rock ‘N Learn has been on a mission to create programs for children that would be both entertaining and educational. Their programs combine fun characters, upbeat music and instructional materials to teach children a variety of lessons. Rock ‘N Learn products are geared towards two year olds and up. They cover many subjects, including: early childhood, social studies, languages, test taking, science, writing, math, and phonics.

Rock ‘N Learn knows that everyone learns in different ways, so the lessons are repeated and shown in a variety of ways.

Previously, I have had the pleasure of reviewing Rock ‘N Learn Letter Sounds, Sight Words, and Sight Words Level 2. For this review, we were given the chance to try the 1st & 2nd Grade Collection.

The 1st & 2nd Grade Collection includes five DVDs- Addition and Subtraction Rap, Telling Time, Money and Change Making and Phonics Volumes 1 and 2.

Addition and Subtraction Rap teaches early math skills. The Lean Mean Addin’ Machine and The Great Big Blender are just a couple of the fun characters in the Addition and Subtraction Rap video.

I really appreciate the way the material is presented in this video. They present a problem and then give the viewer a little time to work the problem out on their own before they give the answer. My oldest (almost 6 years old) really enjoys math. This video has inspired her to write and solve her own math problems.


Telling Time is easy when Timothy Time is your teacher. Timothy explains the difference between the two hands on a clock and what all the different numbers mean. Viewers get to practice telling time along with learning the days of the week, months in a year, and how to use a calendar.

Telling time is a subject that my Daughters are still trying to grasp. I remember being overwhelmed with the lesson when I was a child. To help them out, we have placed extra clocks in our house along with their daily schedule. We encourage them to look at the clock so that they know what activity is next on their schedules and when it will happen.


Money and Making Change come to life with Penny and Bill. Penny and Bill need help solving some money math problems. Viewers are taught some of the history of money and what each of the coins is worth. They are taught how to sort coins and then get to practice counting.

My Husband is really good with finances. He has been working with our Daughters to teach them about budgeting and saving. This video has helped them figure out what goes in their spending account and what amount needs to be saved.

Phonics 1 and 2 teach reading lessons at the viewer’s pace. You are encouraged to take as much time on each skill as needed before moving on to the next. Viewers get practice with phonic rules, early words, simple phrases, and rhyming words. When they are ready, they can move on to sentences and stories.

My youngest (3.5 years old) really enjoys these videos. She sees her Sister reading and really wants to be able to join her. Phonics 1 and 2 are motivating her to practice early reading skills.


We really enjoy Rock ‘N Learn DVDs. My oldest said she likes them because “The characters teach me new things with fun activities. The music is nice and the characters are silly.” My youngest said her favorite part is the music. When the videos are playing, she really concentrates on them. I have heard her repeat the material the videos teach. I don’t think either of them realizes just how educational they are because they simply enjoy them for the entertainment. Any company that can combine fun and learning is a winner in my book!

Rock ‘N Learn is generously offering Emily Reviews readers a 25% off discount. Use coupon code JQ7711 for 25% off at checkout on the Rock ‘N Learn website.

Rock ‘N Learn is on facebook and twitter. You can purchase Rock ‘N Learn products on their website, Amazon and others.

Who are you buying Rock ‘N Learn for this holiday season?

One lucky winner is going to receive the Rock ‘N Learn 1st & 2nd Grade DVD Collection. This is a US giveaway that will end on 11/21/12.

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