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Shushybye DVD Review & Giveaway (2/1) | Emily Reviews

We don’t have cable or satellite so I tend to be out of touch with most new shows. BabyFirst is a station that is offered to DirecTV, Dish Network and Comcast customers that is aimed at the preschool crowd. The show is about dreaming and the Shushies in the show create dreams for children. Once the shushies are finished creating the dreams, they put them into dream boxes that are loaded onto the shushybye train and conductor McCloud takes them to the children.

My nephew Drew is 2 and in the last few months he’s taken an interest in a couple different tv shows aimed at toddlers and preschoolers so I thought that Shushybye might interest him. They recently released a 3 disc dvd collection (that comes in a regular size dvd case for easy storage) so a few days ago I popped the disc in while I was watching Drew. He stared at the TV for several minutes and I asked him a couple of questions and he didn’t answer me, so he seemed really drawn to the show but he had a bit of a confused or concerned look on his face. After about 10 minutes, he asked me to turn it off. Of course, all kids are different and maybe if I were to try showing this to Drew again on a different day he might be more interested. At 2, it’s a bit hard to get him to explain his thoughts or feelings about a movie so I’m not really sure why he didn’t want to keep watching it. We’ve tried showing him various other movies that he doesn’t like, so maybe he just has a very narrow interest when it comes to tv shows and movies.

I like how Shushybye includes lots of songs and music, as most toddlers and preschoolers are drawn to music. I also like how the subject matter has to do with dreaming and sleeping. I know that it’s common for 3-5 year olds to experience a higher than usual amount of nightmares because their imagination expands so much in those few years. Yet, they are so young that they can struggle to understand that their imagination isn’t real. I like how Shushybye offers a gateway for talking about dreams (good and bad) in a positive way.

The 3 DVD set that we reviewed has 26 Shushybye episodes, 56 Shushybye music videos and 60 songs. Retailing for $29.98, you get a lot of content for the price.

Connect: You can connect with Shushybye on Facebook and Twitter.

Win it: a Shushybye 3 disc DVD set with 26 episodes!

To enter: Fill out the GT form below before 11:59pm EST on 2/1. This giveaway is open to the US.



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