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Rollnband Packing Cube Alternative Review | Emily Reviews

2013-04-12 08.22.39For those of you who like things neat and tidy, the Rollnband product is for you! (Roll it up and put a band around it = Roll and Band = Rollnband.) Personally, neat and tidy is great, and in my ideal world, my suitcase is always packed neat and tidy. But in reality, I am a 35-year-old stay-at-home homeschooling mom who has thrown neat and tidy out the window. I am just happy to have things clean and fed. However, my husband, on the other hand, is almost obsessive about the way he packs his suitcase. He’s the one that takes forever to get ready to go somewhere. It’s not that he’s a “neatfreak”, but he is very specific about packing and maintaining an organized suitcase during any trip away from home.

As a motorcyclist, he doesn’t carry a suitcase, but he does have to throw a backpack on his bike occasionally. In East Texas, you may leave the house at 6 a.m. and the weather is 30 degrees. But when you come home in the afternoon, it’s 75 degrees. And vice versa. So he will make sure that he has adjustable clothing options with him on days like this. I knew the Rolinband product was going to be great for him. And I was right!

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He was eager to try them out, and he gave me two thumbs up. Now, that may not seem like much to y’all, but after living with this man for all of these years, this is almost unheard of. He is just one of those guys who can make any product better. He is an engineer/builder type of guy. But he had no suggestion for the Rollnband. It does the job just the way that it needs to.

Each pack ($15.95) contains 10 bands, 5 small and 5 large. The small band is 9″ in circumference and the large band is 10.5″. rollnband is constructed of 3/4″ non-roll woven elastic, which helps prevent the band from twisting in on itself. – from the Rollnband website.

The Rollnband comes in different sizes, because life comes in different sizes. It is an elastic band that does not use a ratcheting system, so it is important to select the size with the stretchability that you need. If you are using the Rollnband specifically for suitcase management, then you can also use the badge system that he put on there. Flip the badge one way to get yellow to signify clean, or flip it the other way to gray to signify dirty.




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