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Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Perfect Prep Machine Review | Emily Reviews


I am looking forward to our new little bundle of joy, but there are certain things that I really don’t look forward to.  Warming bottles while baby fusses, using a wipe warmer or have baby fuss, etc. are just a few of those things.  I know not all moms use those products, but my Little C wouldn’t do without them when he was a newborn baby.  Once he got a little bit older, I didn’t have to use such items as much.  Luckily Tommee Tippee has taken away one of these problems all in one machine!  For review I was sent a Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Perfect Prep Machine.  I have to say that I was excited and a little skeptical all at the same time.  Now let me tell the great news about this wonderful product!

Prepping the bottle for formula.  If you look close you can see the steam coming out of the top.  The water is very hot!

Prepping the bottle for formula. If you look close you can see the steam coming out of the top. The water is very hot!

The Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Perfect Prep Machine is indeed perfect!  This machine will filter your water, squirt enough hot water in your bottle so that you can mix your formula and then fill the rest of the bottle with water that is the perfect temperature to immediately feed your baby all within 2 minutes.  It will be such a time saver for me!  I just can’t wait to use it!

I didn't add formula, but this is the step after you add the formula.  The bottle is being filled the rest of the way up.

I didn’t add formula, but this is the step after you add the formula. The bottle is being filled the rest of the way up.

When I opened up the box and saw the Perfect Prep Machine and the instruction book I was a little intimidated.  After reading the instructions and then following them step by step it was a  breeze.  First you are given instructions on how to clean the machine and get it ready to use.  Once you have cleaned the machine and gotten it ready for its first use, the step by step instructions on how to fix a bottle are very easy.  I only had to follow the instructions the first time and now I can use the machine with ease.  I know my baby isn’t here yet, but I have made at least one bottle every day just to test the Perfect Prep Machine out.  I had my mom use it, my husband and myself and everyone has been impressed.  I think my mom was the most impressed as she knows all the steps I took when Little C was a baby.

Perfect 8oz bottle

Perfect 8oz bottle

When you are ready to make a bottle all you have to do is fill the machine with cold tap water and then place your bottle close to the spout.  You set the dial on the top to match how many ounces you are fixing.  You then press the button and a certain amount of hot water squirts into your bottle.  Be very careful with this water, it is extremely hot!  You then have two minutes to get the correct amount of formula powder into your bottle and shake it up and put back on the machine to fill the rest of the way up.  That step scared me at first, but 2 minutes is plenty of time to follow through with that step.  Once you have your bottle back under the spout you will press the button again and the rest of the water will fill into the bottle.  I have made both 5 oz and 8 oz bottles and the amount of water has been absolutely perfect.  I was quite amazed by that!  Once the machine beeps twice the bottle is ready.  Put the nipple on your bottle and then you are ready to feed your baby.  I did test the water after the whole process was complete and it was the right temperature to feed a baby.  I know it sounds like a lot of steps, but once you get the process down it really is quick and so easy.

With Tommee Tippee Closer to Comfort Perfect Prep Machine you will be sure to have a bottle ready for your little one in a matter of minutes and baby will be so happy!

For information on more great products from Tommee Tippee make sure to check them out on Facebook and Twitter.  The Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Perfect Prep Machine is carried exclusively at Babies R Us.





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