*I was sent gum in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.


A national online survey that included adults 18+ in may of this year found that 69% of those who responded said they found themselves wishing they had gum on them during the day, but only 23% said they regularly carry gum on them. 89% of people have said that they check for their phone and keys before leaving the house – to help you remember to include gum into your “check” before leaving the house, Thomas Lennon (a comedian from Comedy Central) put together a silly song called Phone, Keys, Gum to help you remember all three essentials before leaving the house. You can watch the video below.

I’ve confessed before that I am a bit of a gum addict, so I just got in the habit of leaving gum in my purse all the time. I don’t go anywhere without my purse so I always have gum. I’ve never really understood how men keep track of essentials like gum, their wallet, keys, phone, etc without a bag of some kind. I would be lost without my purse. Even with regularly keeping gum in my purse, I have to keep extra gum on hand for when I run out. I usually purchase multi-packs so that I don’t have to run to the store for gum as often. I was recently sent 4 three-packs of original trident. It had been a while since I had purchased Trident and I forgot how much I enjoy it’s flavor and texture. I like strip gum because its soft, and original trident has a nice minty flavor that isn’t too overpowering so it freshens your breath without that burning feeling.

Connect: You can connect with Trident on Facebook and Twitter.

Win it: Four 3-packs of Trident original (12 total packs)


To enter: Fill out the Giveaway Tools form below before 11:59pm EST on 8/14. This giveaway is open to the US.

*Emily Reviews is currently testing out the upgraded giveaway tools entry form. Becase it is so new, it may have some bugs or technical problems. If you experience any problems with the form, please email Giveaway Tools at Support@giveawaytools.com.




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