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Philips Sonicare AirFloss Review - A Gift For Women and Men | Emily Reviews

HGGimage2013(1)Philips is such a great company and offers so many great products.  For this review I received a Philips Sonicare AirFloss.  I was intrigued when I was asked to review the AirFloss.  I am one that tries my best to take care of my teeth.  I managed to not have any cavities until I turned 21 and still to this day have only had a couple.  I think I try to take such good care of my teeth because I am a little afraid of the dentist.  It stresses me out to go get my teeth cleaned.  I think it is just fear of the unknown.  I know it sounds crazy for someone in their 30’s to feel this way, but I do so getting the AirFloss was really exciting to me.


I have only had the AirFloss for a few days, but I have enjoyed using it so far.  The Philips Sonicare AirFloss is a unique tool that you can either fill with water or mouthwash.  There is a pick that you place between your teeth and then you press the button that pushes the water between your teeth to get rid of anything that brushing or regular flossing leaves behind.  I have only used water, but I think I will be trying mouthwash soon.  The spray of water doesn’t hurt, but it feels like there is enough that will indeed clean between your teeth.  The water comes through the spout quite forcefully with the air that pushes it up through the pick.  When you use the AirFloss just make sure to close your mouth or you will get quite messy.  I have done that a few times, lol.  You can charge your AirFloss with the charger that comes with it.  It is small for easy storage.  You just place your AirFloss on the charger and leave it over night.  You do not have to recharge your AirFloss every night.  I have had mine for about 5 days and I haven’t had to recharge it.


The AirFloss is technically for those who don’t floss on a regular basis.  I still like to use regular floss, however since having the AirFloss I only floss at night with regular floss.  The AirFloss is much easier to grab in the mornings when I am trying to get myself and my son ready for school.  It has made my morning routine much more smooth.  Considering I have a routine it may be hard to let go of using regular floss, but I am comfortable using the AirFloss once and then using my floss at night.


If you do have someone on your Christmas list who is either a fanatic about keeping their teeth clean or someone that may want to step up their tooth care, the Philips Sonicare AirFloss would be a great gift.  You can find the AirFloss in stores for $89.99.  You may think that is a steep price, but if it will help you from getting cavities it could end up saving you quite a bit of money at the dentist’s office.  You can also connect with Philips on Facebook and Twitter.  Happy holidays and happy shopping!











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