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Beech Nut All Natural Baby Food Review | Emily Reviews

*I have partnered with Beech Nut to bring you this post. All opinions are my own.

Kelsie just turned a year old. I know it’s so cliché but I really don’t know where the last year has went. Babies grow up so quickly! She started teething really young so she has a mouthful of teeth now and is happy to eat most any table food these days. The problem is that she often wants to eat when the rest of us are not eating. While I understand that her belly is still really small so she wants to eat more often than we do, it’s frustrating to have to make something just for her because she still only eats a few bites of any given food at a time. When I find myself looking for something quick and easy for her, its hard to come up with quick, easy and healthy options.

Beech Nut All Natural Baby Foodbaby food no preservatives

Jarred baby food is so quick and easy to prepare that I have still been using it here and there even though she’s 12 months now. Beech Nut makes all natural baby food with no added ‘junk’ or preservatives so I can feel great about the nutrition she’s getting. I love how the jars ingredient list is just a few ingredients long and all are recognizable fruits or veggies. Except of course, these will last longer than buying fresh fruits or veggies. So, they are a great way to keep healthy food around for baby that won’t go bad quickly.

Beech nut Baby FoodBeechnutKelsieBite

Beech Nut baby foods come in different stages – some of the ones that we got were for 4+ months and others for 6+ months. The jars are pretty big, even the 4+ month ones. As I mentioned, Kelsie still eats like a baby bird so she only eats about half of one of these jars at a time but I can just put the lid on and stick it in the frig until next time.

So many brands of baby food have changed to plastic containers, so I love that these come in glass and can be put in the microwave for a few seconds to heat them up without worrying about what is being leached into the food.

Kelsie liked all of the varieties but I think that the just honeycrisp apples was her favorite. I really can’t even think of any downsides of these just fruits and veggies line from Beech Nut. I plan to keep them on hand as quick and healthy snacks for her until she decides she isn’t interested any more. I don’t see a reason to rush to stop using them just because she turned 1, seems how they are just fruits and veggies it’s just a more convenient way of getting her great nutrition.

What age did you quit giving your little one baby food? 



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