I received a copy of Psyched to Be Skinny for review. All opinions are my own.

Many people try to diet and live a healthier lifestyle, and many of us fail. I’ve recently gone on a very restrictive diet for health reasons, and I found that I was confronted with my own emotional eating problems in the process. We don’t always eat because we’re hungry, sometimes we eat when we’re bored, or feel obligated during certain occasions and for many other reasons. Psyched to Be Skinny by Dr. Denise Wood & RDN Susie Garcia helps you figure out why you may be eating in an unhealthy way, and gives tips and strategies to stop it.


Psyched to be Skinny is written by Dr. Denise Wood and Susie Garcia. Dr. Denise Wood has a Master’s in Counseling and Psychology and a Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology. Susie Garcia is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, a weight management expert and former Culinary Institute of America nutrition and food safety instructor. So they are both very qualified to write about how to stop emotional eating and get and stay healthy!

Psyched to be Skinny has chapters specifically for each type of eater. They have ten different types: The Depressed Eater, the Anxious Eater, the Situational Eater, the Bored Eater, the Recently Dumped Eater, the Fat is My Shelter Eater, the Period Eater, the Peer Pressure Eater, the I Deserve It Eater, and the Big-Boned Eater. There is a chapter for each type of eater, which first explains the eater, and goes over the definition, then gives solutions on how to fix it, and stop being that type of eater. They also give exercises to do, types of foods to eat, eating strategies, and give an example recipe, and a sample meal plan.

I found Psyched to be Skinny by Dr. Denise Wood and Susie Garcia to be really useful and interesting. Most people will relate to at least one of these eating types, if not more of them. I found that I am definitely a Situational Eater, Bored Eater, and a Peer Pressure Eater. I definitely eat when I’m bored, and I certainly end up eating “bad” foods when around other people doing the same. I used to have a really hard time going to parties, or hanging out with other people, but I got some great tips from the book, including encouraging active activities with my friends, rather than passive ones where we’ll just end up sitting around and eating.

Psyched to be Skinny really helps delve into emotional eating without getting dry or boring. All the information is useful to you, and if you don’t fit in with a type of eater, you can just skip on to one that resonates with you. The book is a nice, easy read, and I got through it pretty quickly. I like to keep it around so that I can look at it now and then and really remember the information from it.

Because I have such a restrictive diet, I was not able to utilize many of the recipes. However, some of them I could use if I just tweaked ingredients around. I feel like for people who are not on a really restrictive diet, that these recipes would be really helpful, and useful for them. They are all very healthy recipes, and certainly worth a try.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. If you’re starting on, struggling with, or considering a weight loss, and healthy living journey, you should definitely check it out. If you ever find yourself over eating, and you don’t know why, you can help figure it out and work to solve it all with a quick, easy read. And it’s only $4.97 on Kindle!

Buy it: You can buy Psyched to be Skinny on Amazon.

Connect: You can connect with Psyched to be Skinny on Facebook.



This post currently has one response.

  • Deb E

    I hadn’t heard of this book but I do agree we seem to be eating more emotionally, as we get more overweight as a nation. I used to counsel nutrition in the Eighties and never have seen such a push for buying or eating “comfort” foods, as I have today. Food should not be used to comfort us, but to sustain and keep up healthy.

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