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Children's Mucinex Multi Symptom Cold Relief | Emily Reviews

*received this product for free from Smiley360 in exchange for my honest review. 

I have a bad habit of ‘waiting out’ colds until they get unbearable and I end up at the doctor. Each time I tell myself I’ll give in and try and over the counter cold medicine earlier next time but then I forget to the next time that I get sick. I have a friend who swears by Mucinex, especially for “chesty” colds. My sisters 4 year old Drew gets colds pretty often in the winter. Even with a really light cold that doesn’t make him sleepy or cranky, he tends to get a “rattly chest” sound with every cold. It also seems like he gets colds SO often – at least one a month during the winter. I’m sure this winter will be worse than before because he’s now in preschool surrounded by other little kids and their germs. In years past he wasn’t in school or daycare so he had a lot less exposure to germs. I know for a lot of kids the first year or two of daycare or school result in a lot of illness as a result of being exposed to so many new germs. I hope that isn’t the case for Drew because he loves school and I know that being in class each day will help him get the most of out preschool.

children's mucinex

I’m excited that Mucinex came out with Children’s Mucinex Multi-symtom which we’ll let Drew try the next time he has a cold. It’s designed to fight against chest congestion, cough and stuffy nose for kids ages 4-12. On the Mucinex website it has a 4.5 out of 5 rating overall based on all of the reviews. It has three active ingredients including a cough suppressant, expectorant and a nasal decongestant. Hopefully Children’s Mucinex Multi-symptom will help Drew bounce back when he gets sick this winter so that he can stay in school as much as possible.




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