Gift guide for creative and crafty kids - great gift ideas for christmas, birthdays, etc

*Emily Reviews writers were provided with product samples. All opinions are my own.

Sands alive kinetic sand kit $28

Sands Alive! My nephew Gabe loves playing in the sand box and playing with water. He’s all about “sensory play” which is great in the summer but can be hard to do as much in the winter. Sands Alive! is a brand of kinetic sand that is designed to stick to itself so it is less messy to play with inside. You can purchase just sand or a sand kit like the Play Visions Sands Alive! 3-D Sealife Adventure kit which includes a tray to contain the sand as well as fun accessories like molds and rollers to manipulate the sand with. The sand is even designed to be anti-bacterial so you can use it over and over. The kits are great for sensory lovers or creative kids who like to test out their building skills with new materials.

kiss naturals craft kits

Kiss Naturals all natural craft kits for kids give kids the ability to make natural beauty and personal care creations at home. I loved craft kits as a little girl but once I hit middle school many of them felt too young for me, while adult kits were too complex for me to do on my own. Kiss Natural sets are great for that in-between stage because they are designed to be used by kids as young as 6 but aren’t limited to being used by children because the end creations (soap, hair chalk, lipgloss, etc) are useful even for teens and adults. The kits are priced from about $10-$25. Check out my whole Kiss Naturals Craft Kits review for more info. Use the code PROMO2 to get free shipping if you order $45 or more.

friendly bands bracelet kit

Friendly Bands makes SunshineLoom kits which are great for kids interested in bracelet making from newbie to pro. It’s great for newbies because it includes everything you need to get started as well as fun extras like charms. It’s great for experienced bracelet makers because it includes a circular loom instead of a rectangular one which offers a few new options when compared to a rectangular loom. For example, with the circular loom bracelets can be made in complete circles instead of having the visible, obvious connecting point like bracelets from rectangular looms have. It’s also great for taking on-the-go because it includes storage for bands. Check out my FriendlyBands blog post for more details.

beados quick dry design station

Beados are basically the same idea as perler bead creations but without the need for heat. The Beados Quick Dry Design Station comes with 500 beads and everything a kid needs to get creative. Children arrange the beads into a design, spray and then dry using the Quick Dry station fan and once dry, the design will stay together without ever needing to apply heat or glue. This makes the kits appropriate for younger kids & less messy as well. The Quick Dry station includes six design templates but kids can also use their imagination to create designs of their own.  MSRP $19.99.

crayola mgg

When most people hear the name Crayola, they instantly think of high quality arts & crafts supplies. When I hear the name Crayola, I can actually smell a fresh box of crayons and it reminds me of my happy childhood. In addition to crayons, Crayola has other items that make great gifts for creative kids. I suggest Crayola silly putty, model magic clay, paints, and/or markers. Crayola arts & crafts supplies have stood the test of time because they are made with high quality goods. Crayola provides hours of fun, encourages imagination and crafts memories.

artterro mgg

Artterro specializes in eco-friendly children’s arts and craft kits. Each kit includes creative art projects, instructions and the materials needed to complete the projects. Artterro strives to make fun, easy and affordable kits for children to explore their creativity. Currently Artterro offers kits for journals, felting, jewelry, décor, bookmaking and more. Artterro kits are great gifts for creative boys and girls. For my complete review of Artterro, please click here.


Creative play is vital for children and Magformers developed their products to aid in budding creativity.  The Super Magformers Set comes with 30 giant sized magnetic pieces in the shapes of squares and triangles.  Unlimited play abound with any Magformers Set and our kids love how the magnets always attach, no negative force!  Magformers =  fun colors, quality pieces, and imagination.  Our kids have spent hours almost daily playing with Magformers.  Be sure to watch for my full review coming soon and head over to see the great variety of sets available on their site.

american certified

American Certified offers a wide range of products that are either fully or partially made in the US.  So, this Christmas, for a gift that helps support and create American jobs and that will be a hit under the tree, check out the 702 piece K’nex 70 Model Building Set.  Hours of fun await in this Made In The USA construction set that includes a treasure chest box to store the pieces in.  Quality, safe products are a standard when labeled Made In The USA and American Certified strives to make shopping easy with their vast selection.  For an All-American holiday, shop American Certified today.

kidz 55

Creating custom jewelry is easier than ever with KidzCanDesign.  Simply upload your child’s (or your) artwork and select the style of piece you’d like to create.  Choices include: Pendant, Charm, Name Plate, Signatures, Necklace, Bracelet, Dog Tag, Book Mark, Keychain, Signature Pendant, or Signature Necklace.  The process from stat to finish takes less than five minutes.  This is a great way to preserve that special piece of artwork and would make a fun, unique gift for a grandparent, parent, or even the child this Christmas.

signatureLaurie 2014 signatureMiranda



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