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Carriwell Nursing bras Review | Emily Reviews
Carriwell Nursing bras Review
By Lakota

May 2nd, 2016

Thank you to Carriwell for providing me product in exchange for review. All opinions expressed belong to me. 

Carriwell understands that maternity and nursing phases of life are all very delicate, emotional stages of life. Your body is filled with more hormones, your body is being changed by said hormones and a lot of times it doesn’t look the same as it did before. I believe all of these phases and times should be embraced and appreciated. You are creating life, whether pregnant or breastfeeding. Not to mention these phases never last long so soak it in and stay on the positive side of life!

Carriwell Nursing bras Review

With a changing body comes changing apparel needs. During pregnancy you might just want the most comfortable relaxed type of bra available, but maybe the girls are a great asset and you want to boost them up (without underwire of course). Breastfeeding has its changes and phases as well. First there is the enorged rock hard stage, where your breasts can enlarge so much that they seem like hard rocks full of milk. In the engorged case I was unable to go without a bra as I needed something to hold a breast pad to my ever leaking nipples but also could’t stand much pressure on my breasts either. What I didn’t want was restriction as with engorgement the chances of mastitis are increased. I also did not need any type of boosting, just forgiving, soft comfortable fabric. Carriwell Nursing Bras would have been perfect for this stage of my breastfeeding adventure. The material on the Carriwell nursing bras were incredibly stretchy yet supportive. There are no hard or rigid bands, or wires within the nursing bras.

Carriwell Nursing bras Review

Carriwell Nursing bras Review

Each Carriwell nursing bra was sent with an extra 3 hook extension so that the bras could be worn and broken in during pregnancy as well as carry into breastfeeding comfortably. The material isn’t the silky type of material most traditional bras are made of but a more elastic based breathable material instead. This material does cause the bras to cling a bit to your shirts but the drying time and breathability of the material is worth the cling. Now that I am at the end of my nursing phase, my breasts are significantly smaller, less full and at less risk for mastitis. I find that I often times need no bra at all in this phase of my life, and when I do I prefer a more boosting bra to the carrell nursing bra. Being in the end phase of my breastfeeding journey this is to be expected although my doula and many other women find that the comfort of nursing bras can be a choice that carries beyond a nursing relationship!


Lakota Signature


This post currently has 9 responses.

  • Deb E

    There are so many more options now for nursing bras. This one looks comfy and it makes more sense to give you extensions to add rather than have them built in. I have used extensions on my regular bras and they do work. I looked at the price and they seem very affordable too.

  • Dandi D

    I am always looking for more comfortable nursing bras, so these look like some I’ll have to try!

  • Brenda Disimone

    Thanks for the informative review. All of the bras ive tried on have had the wire or didnt fit right

  • Lauryn R

    This nursing bra looks great! This type was always my favorite while breast feeding, because they are VERY comfortable but also supportive. I tried a few that were just too much extra fabric, and the ones with “embellishments” just weren’t necessary, in my opinion. Your right about cherishing those moments, because now that mine are older I truly miss breastfeeding! 🙂

  • kathy downey

    My daughter and i were just talking about this topic on the weekend,she is having her first and we were discussing where to buy,i will forward your review to her.Thanks for much.

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