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Nutrisystem Update - A T-Shirt Fit Realization | Emily Reviews
Ryan t-shirt fit hem

I have been provided with a Nutrisystem plan in exchange for sharing my honest experience and results on my blog. All opinions are my own.

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Watching Ryan lost 63 pounds over the past year on Nutrisystem has been incredible. Many of the achievements that he’s passed were clear and obvious when they happened. For example, we couldn’t have missed milestones like when he lost 20 pounds, or lost a shirt size because they were really obvious. However, we’ve had a few milestones that were much more subtle. I recently noticed that he passed a subtle milestone.

Before his weight-loss, Ryan’s short-sleeved shirts would end at almost his elbow. I knew that my own short-sleeved shirts ended much higher, about mid way between shoulder and elbow. However, I thought the fit was due to the styling difference between men and women’s t-shirts. I noticed recently that Ryan’s shirts now end much higher on his forearm. In fact, we noticed because he has a bit of a ‘farmers tan’ so his shirts now show-off a few inches above his elbow that is really pale! It took me a few days to realize why his shirts are now ending higher on his arm.

Ryan has lost 3 shirt sizes in the past year. In part, smaller shirt sizes have shorter sleeves. However, when looking back at old photos I noticed that the hem of his shirt sleeve used to always fall on his arm, instead of sitting at his shoulder. Here is an example:

Ryan t-shirt fit hem

As you can see, the shirt is designed for someone with wider shoulders than Ryan had at the time, even though he is not narrow through the shoulders. It’s a little hard to tell from this photo, but the shirt was not too big for him overall. He had to buy shirts in that size because smaller shirts would have been too tight across his mid-section but it clearly was too large in the shoulder area which caused the sleeves to droop down so low. Now that he’s lost weight, and is down 3 shirt sizes, his t-shirts cover his (much smaller) belly and the hem ends where it should on his shoulder because his belly is not significantly wider than his shoulders, like it used to be.

Nutrisystem body proportion change

The photo directly above was taken about 3 months ago, so this changed happened a while back. We just recently realized why his shirts are fitting better though. Making the realization that he hasn’t just lost a significant amount of weight, and dropped 3 shirt sizes, but his body proportions have changed dramatically as well amazes me.




This post currently has 4 responses.

  • justin tan

    Good Job!! I lost 30lbs last year and I’m still trying to lose at least 10lbs this year. It’s all hard work but I want to be fit dad for my son.

  • ellen beck

    He looks terrific and I bet he feels better. In the summer he isnt going to be ‘winded’ so quickly and will be faster and lighter (hey you married Superman!) Good going Ryan, keep it up.

  • kathy downey

    He must be so proud of himself,he looks amazing!

  • Deb E

    I know the arms are so hard for women to shape up and often they wear long sleeves to hide everything, even in this heat. It has to feel so great to wear better fitting clothes but feeling healthier is the best victory and I’m sure he’s really proud of his efforts.

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